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  • AWS Establishes Per-Second Billing for EC2 Instances

    AWS instituted a per-second billing model for EC2 instances and EBS volumes on the 2nd of October.

  • AWS Adds Scale-Friendly Network Load Balancer to its Arsenal

    AWS expanded the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) service with a new product catered to high-performing applications. The Network Load Balancer is a Layer 4 TCP component designed to handle bursts of traffic and millions of requests per second.

  • Amazon Adds Target Tracking Support for EC2 Auto Scaling

    Auto Scaling cloud resources is nothing new in AWS. However, Amazon recently announced a new Target Tracking policy that gives customers more granular control over how their application scales. Target Tracking policies allow an administrator to target a specific metric that will drive how and when the EC2 resources will scale.

  • AWS re:Invent Recap

    At their annual re:Invent conference in Las Vegas, AWS unleashed a flurry of announcements about upcoming cloud services. Amazon outlined over two dozen new capabilities coming to the public cloud, including directly querying data in S3 object storage, building code as part of deployment pipelines, provisioning cheap virtual private servers, and moving data in bulk, ETL-style.

  • Amazon Introduces AWS Batch Preview

    At the recent AWS Re:Invent event, Amazon announced a new preview service, called AWS Batch. AWS Batch allows organizations to optimize their scheduling and workload execution across a cloud-based landscape. Amazon has built this service in response to many AWS customers building their own batch platforms using EC2 instances, containers and CloudWatch.

  • AWS Launches Amazon Linux Container Image

    AWS recently launched a Docker container image for its Amazon Linux operating system, complementing the EC2 specific Amazon Linux AMI with a versatile deployment option for custom cloud and on-premise environments. The image is available through the Amazon EC2 Container Registry (Amazon ECR), and also as an official repository on Docker Hub.

  • AWS Adds Multi-Cloud Scripting to EC2 Run Command Feature

    In late 2015, AWS unveiled the EC2 Run Command feature. It gave operators a single interface for running administrative tasks across a fleet of AWS servers. In June of this year, AWS expanded the scope of the feature to work with servers located in other clouds or data centers.

  • Netflix Details Evolution of Keystone Data Pipeline

    Netflix has shed light on how the company uses the latest version of their Keystone Data Pipeline, a petabyte-scale real-time event stream processing system for business and product analytics. This news summarizes the three major versions of the pipeline, now used by almost every application at Netflix.

  • AWS Release ‘Scheduled Reserved Instances’, Allowing EC2 Capacity to be Reserved on a Periodic Basis

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) have introduced ‘Scheduled Reserved Instances’, which enables EC2 compute capacity to be reserved at a discounted price for use on a periodic basis. For example, a EC2 instance type can be reserved for daily usage between the hours of 01:00 UTC and 05:00 UTC to perform overnight data analysis, or weekly or monthly to perform compute-intensive calculations.

  • Amazon Announces EC2 Dedicated Hosts Availability

    Last month, Amazon announced EC2 Dedicated Hosts are now generally available. Amazon initially discussed EC2 Dedicated Hosts at its Re:Invent conference in October. Using this new service, customers will have the ability to map Virtual Machines (VMs) to a physical host which runs in AWS.

  • AWS Simplifies Resource Access with VPC Endpoints, Initially Supporting S3

    Amazon Web Services recently introduced VPC endpoints to enable a "private connection between your VPC and another AWS service without requiring access over the Internet, through a NAT instance, a VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect". VPC endpoint policies provide granular access control to other service's resources. Initially available are connections to S3, other services will be added later.

  • Web Frameworks Benchmark 2015

    We published in 2014 the results of TechEmpower’s benchmark of various web frameworks, a term including web platforms and micro-frameworks. A year later, they have published a new set of results outlining important changes in the performance of top 10 web frameworks.

  • AWS Adds Dense-Storage Instances to Amazon EC2

    Amazon Web Services announced a new instance type called D2 which is optimised for Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) data warehouses, log processing, and MapReduce jobs.

  • Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Model Gets Simplified

    AWS has simplified the pricing model for Amazon EC2 reserved instances. It has replaced the utilization based pricing model with a simpler model to buy reserved capacity.

  • Comparing the Performance of Various Web Frameworks

    TechEmpower has been running benchmarks for the last year, attempting to measure and compare the performance of web frameworks. For these benchmarks the term “framework” is used loosely including platforms and micro-frameworks.