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InfoQ Homepage EJB Content on InfoQ

  • Refactoring the EJB APIs

    Artima has interviewed EJB 3 spec lead Linda DeMichiel on how EJB was refactored for simplicty between EJB 2 and EJB 3, including three separate spec documents, simplifying EJB interfaces, annotations and when to use them, and dependency injection.

  • Implementing SOA with JEE 5 and JBI Paper Published

    Sun has published a technical article, "Implementing Service-Oriented Architectures with the Java EE 5 SDK", that shows how to combine custom business logic with JBI, JEE, BPEL and a SOAP binding component to implement a service-oriented composite application.

  • Book: Java Transaction Design Strategies Published

    InfoQ's first book, Java Transaction Design Strategies has been published! The book is available for free download and the published print version is available for $22.95. Written by IBM architect and nofluff speaker Mark Richards, the book is one of the very few works on transactions, and definitely one of the most practical.

  • Pitchfork: EJB 3 Interception & Injection to WebLogic using Spring

    Spring 2.0 is now being used by BEA to provide EJB 3 dependency injection and interception, the result of Pitchfork, a new Spring add-on project by BEA and Interface21 that allows Spring to provide JSR 250 dependency injection and EJB style interception. WebLogic users can also use additional Spring features over the EJB spec, and Pitchfork may be used by other Java EE servers in the future.

  • Open JPA: A real competitor to Hibernate emerging

    BEA will be open sourcing a large part of the formerly commercial Kodo persistence engine from SolarMetric into the Apache OpenJPA project. Going forward, the commerical Kodo and WebLogic will be built on top of OpenJPA which will recieve a large commitment of resources from BEA for further development. OpenJPA may become a viable alternative to Hibernate this year.

  • Article: Brasilian National Healthcare System

    This casestudy takes a detailed look at the implementation and architecture behind the Brasilian National Healthcare System, a 2M line of code, truly mission critical Java application. Lessons learned, best practices, and details down to the interaction diagram are covered.