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InfoQ Homepage Enterprise Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Nick O'Leary on Node-RED

    Nick O'Leary talks about the creation of Node-RED, a tool for wiring together the Internet of things that he built on top of Node.js using a number of open source web frameworks. He also discusses open source hardware, the importance of open APIs and the rise of MQTT as an alternative to HTTP for IoT applications.

    Nick O'Leary on Node-RED
  • Glen Ford on Building Great Teams, Lean and DevOps

    Glen Ford talks about his experiences in different organizations' environments, from start-ups to the likes of BBC. Glen discusses how to build great teams and why in his view Kanban works better than Scrum. Finally, Glen explains how Lean, DevOps and systems architecture all influence each other.

    Glen Ford on Building Great Teams, Lean and DevOps
  • Arne Roock and Fridtjof Detzner Discuss Organizational Culture at Jimdo

    Arne Roock and Fridtjof Detzner share their story of how culture has evolved at Jimdo and the role of coaches in helping that culture grow.

    Arne Roock and Fridtjof Detzner Discuss Organizational Culture at Jimdo
  • Allard Buijze on CQRS, Event Sourcing and the Axon Framework

    Allard Buijze, creator of Axon, an open source Java framework that supports CRQS architectures, talks about CQRS, Event Sourcing and their relationship. He talks about how to solve some practical issues when applying this kind of architecture. Allard ends by sharing his experiences on building Axon as an open source project and what's in store for future versions of the framework.

    Allard Buijze on CQRS, Event Sourcing and the Axon Framework
  • Simon Wardley on the Cloud Landscape

    Simon Wardley talks about Amazon and it's competitive landscape, including Google, OpenStack, telcos and the hardware manufactures. Looking at how Amazon got to be so dominant in the IaaS space, the missteps by established vendors in letting it, and where future competition might come from. With a short detour to discuss Cloud Foundry and platform strategy.

    Simon Wardley on the Cloud Landscape
  • Robert Benefield on Business and Operations Collaboration

    Robert Benefield explains the importance of business and operations understanding each other better and how they can kickstart that understanding through collaboration. He talks about the need to find meaningful metrics for business. He discusses how methodologies for operations (ITIL, COBIT) and development (Scrum, Kanban) differ and what can be learned from both.

    Robert Benefield on Business and Operations Collaboration
  • Derek Collison on Apcera Continuum

    Cloud Foundry creator Derek Collison talks about building the next generation of PaaS with his Continuum product at Apcera, and how Go was chosen as the core language for its development. He also talks about his earlier career at Tibco, Google and VMware, and the role of messaging systems like AMQP and MQTT.

    Derek Collison on Apcera Continuum
  • Tom Banks on the IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile

    When he reaches out to developers, Tom Banks tells them about cool new technologies they can implement. Using these cool new things they can do with IBM technology to try to make them think a little bit outside the box when it comes to enterprise software. So that they can innovate using IBM software and these new spaces created with their WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile.

    Tom Banks on the IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile
  • Zach Holman on all Things Github

    Many of today's most prominent app developers rely upon GitHub, a popular website that facilitates online collaboration between members of all areas of the software engineering community. Learn about the nuts and bolts of GitHub; like Repositories, Contributions, projects and streaks from Zach Holman in this InfoQ interview recorded live at QCon San Francisco 2013.

    Zach  Holman on all Things Github
  • Changing Software Culture to Deliver

    Greg Brockman, Stripe's CTO, relates how developers can determine if they are in a culture that has problems delivering software. With some of his insights and shifts in culture, developers can help their organization become unstuck from a poorly performing culture and shift into a more productive, organized, and effective team.

    Changing Software Culture to Deliver
  • Software Engineer Panos Astithas of Mozilla on Debugging Tools and Open Source

    JavaScript expert Panos Astithas discusses the latest trends in mobile app development. The tools that Panos employs in his work as Software Engineer at Mozilla help to keep their applications as bug-free and smooth running as possible. Effective debugging is all about having the best developer tools available.

    Software Engineer Panos Astithas of Mozilla on Debugging Tools and Open Source
  • David Bland Discusses Bringing Lean Startup to the Enterprise

    David Bland sits down with us at Agile 2013 to discuss how to bring experiments and other Lean Startup techniques to the enterprise.

    David Bland Discusses Bringing Lean Startup to the Enterprise