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InfoQ Homepage Enterprise Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • InfoQ eMag: API Technologies

    Web APIs are driving important new business and technology models. In this issue leading practitioners share their experience on making money from APIs and on API design best practices. We discover "cloud native" architectures that scale to meet global demand and get hands on building API's from contract to go-live. We look at connected devices, mashups and consider new standards for security.

  • InfoQ eMag: Application Lifecycle Management

    The InfoQ ALM eMag assembles a collection of popular content recently published on Learn strategies for automating your build and deployment processes, implementing a continuous integration system, and how to continuously test your mobile applications. Results from the latest InfoQ Research question also show you what ALM tools organizations are adopting today.

  • InfoQ eMag: The Best of Mobile Development

    The Mobile Development eMag brings together a selection of popular mobile development articles recently published on Learn strategies and best practices for developing native, HTML5, and hybrid mobile apps, see the results from the InfoQ cross-platform mobile tools survey, and gain perspective on the future of mobile development.

  • InfoQ eMag: The Best of NoSQL

    The InfoQ NoSQL eMag brings together a selection of popular NoSQL articles recently published on Get a complete overview of the current NoSQL movement, learn how NoSQL relates to the CAP Theorem, and get practical guidance on setting up and using a popular NoSQL database.

  • Identity Management on a Shoestring

    The authors of this book share their experience and lessons learned while building an enterprise-wide Identity and Access Management system using an architectural approach called LIMA.

  • Good Relationships

    With Spring Data, the ever popular Spring Framework has cultivated a new patch of ground, bringing Big Data and NOSQL technology like Neo4j to enterprise developers. This guide introduces you to Spring Data Neo4j, using the fast, powerful and scalable graph database Neo4j to enjoy the benefits of having good relationships in your data.

  • InfoQ Explores: REST

    This is the first edition of what is expected to become a recurring series on InfoQ. The idea behind this minibook is that a number of InfoQ articles and interviews which deal with a particular topic (in this case, REpresentational State Transfer, or REST) are combined together to provide a detailed exploration suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners.

  • Composite Software Construction

    Composite Software offers a new level of granularity when compared to SaaS (Software as a Service). Composite Software is about enabling "right-sourcing", i.e. move (or keep) arbitrary small or large elements of functionality wherever it is the most cost effective to operate them, not just entire systems. Economically, "right-sourcing" is far more efficient than "outsourcing" and SaaS.

  • Agile Patterns: The Technical Cluster

    This book guides the reader on crafting their own agile adoption strategy focused on their business values and environment. This strategy is then directly tied to patterns of agile practice adoption that describe how many teams have successfully (and unsuccessfully) adopted them.

  • Enterprise SOA Adoption Strategies

    This book argues that for SOA to succeed we must move our thoughts away from the implementation technologies and towards the "what" of the business. Using a straight-forward, pictorially driven, methodology the book explains who to discover what the business services really are and how to construct an overall business service architecture.

  • Java Transaction Design Strategies

    Java Transaction Design Strategies shows how to design an effective transaction management strategy using the transaction models provided by Java-based frameworks such as EJB and Spring. Local, programmatic, declarative, and XA models are explained; the book concludes with a set of design patterns show how to effecitvely use these models.