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InfoQ Homepage event sourcing Content on InfoQ

  • The Basics of Event Sourcing and Some CQRS

    State transitions are an important part of our problem space and should be modelled within our domain, Greg Young states in a recent presentation focusing on basic event sourcing and how CQRS fits in.

  • Experiences Building a Reactive Event-Driven CQRS Application

    CQRS and Event Sourcing provide a clear and concise way to build distributed applications that adhere to the reactive manifesto, Duncan DeVore claimed in a recent presentation sharing his experiences building a distributed application using Akka and Scala.

  • Building a Reactive DDD and CQRS Based Application Using Akka

    DDD and CQRS are great for building scalable software considering concepts like bounded contexts, transaction boundaries and event based communication and is together with Akka a complete platform for building enterprise applications, Pawel Kaczor starts a three-part series building an reactive application based on these concepts.

  • Greg Young: Scheduling for Things to Happen in the Future

    Delay of message sending into the future is a very powerful pattern and is often the preferable way of dealing with temporal problems compared to batch job that will run a query on the domain model and update some aggregates, Greg Young explained at the recent DDD Exchange conference in London.

  • CQRS Framework Axon 2.1 with Increased Event Handler Support and Performance Improvements

    Version 2.1 of CQRS framework Axon supports annotations and ordering of event handlers, a new conflict resolution together with performance improvements. The recently released version also adds compatibility with OSGi.

  • Greg Young on Using Complex Event Processing

    Complex Event Processing, CEP, can be very useful for problems that have to do with time e.g. querying over historical data when you want to correlate things that have happened at different times, Greg Young explained in a recent presentation.

  • Event Store 2.0 Released with Security Support and the Projections Library in Beta

    Version 2.0 of the Event Store, (an Event Source based persistence engine), was released last week with support for security, allowing for lock down of the Event Store and setting up Access Control Lists on event streams. The Projections library is now in beta and more documentation has been added.

  • Greg Young on Documents and Processes as an Alternative to Events

    Not all systems are based on events or facts. In some problem spaces events make complete sense; they are about facts that are happening over periods of time. But a lot of systems are instead focused on information that flow through a process, Greg Young explained at DDD Exchange Day in London last week, using handling of a mortgage application inside a bank as an example.

  • New C# based CQRS Tutorial available

    A new CQRS, Command Query Responsibility Separation, C# based Starter Kit to help developers get up and running with CQRS on .NET has been developed, not as a framework, but as a tutorial for developers interested in learning about CQRS, and as a possible starting ground for a CQRS based system.

  • CQRS Guidance Project On MSDN

    The Patterns and Practices team at MSDN recently announced a CQRS Journey Guidance project – the project walks through building a fictional Contoso Conference Management System using DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing.