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InfoQ Homepage Grails Content on InfoQ

  • Groovy 1.7, Grails 1.2 and Groovy Eclipse 2.0 Updates Include Dependency Management,Language Support

    The Groovy language, version 1.7, was recently released supporting refinements to the language itself as well as library enhancements. In short succession, SpringSource has announced the Groovy Eclipse IDE 2.0, which brings debugging, refined content-assist, and stub-less compilation to Eclipse's formerly poor Groovy support.

  • Make Way for Grails 1.1

    Recently SpringSource released version 1.6 of the Groovy programming language and now they've followed up with a new version of Grails.

  • Dynamic Report for Java and Grails

    Reporting is a common feature found in many software applications and DynamicJasper aims to make it a simple and easily configurable process.

  • Customize Grails Application Behavior Using the Event Model

    A typical Grails application throws events at key points in the application life cycle, whether in the build process or in individual artifacts such as domain classes and controllers. These application events are good extension points to setup listeners to intercept them and react to the events with custom behavior.

  • Grails Gains Cloud Hosting with Morph AppSpace

    Morph AppSpace is a cloud-based platform for hosting web applications. The latest release has added support for Groovy and Grails. InfoQ caught up with David Abramowski, CEO of Morph Labs to get some more details around it's recent move into the Java space.

  • Presentation: Getting Started with Grails

    In this presentation from QCon San Francisco 2007, Jason Rudolph gives an overview and demonstration of Grails. Topics covered include Java/Grails integration, Grails plugins, creating a complete Grails sample application from scratch, the structure of a Grails application, data querying and persistence, validation, controllers and tag libraries.

  • Spring Web Flow 2.0.0.RC1 Released; Adds Ajax, JSF, and Security Integration

    InfoQ sat down with Keith Donald and Jeremy Grelle of the Spring Web team to discuss the release of Web Flow 2.0.0.RC1, the first production release candidate for the next major release of Web Flow. Web Flow is an extension to Spring MVC for implementing flows in a web application.

  • Article: Securing a Grails Application with Acegi Security

    In this article, Fadi Shami gives a walkthrough of integrating the grails-acegi plugin with a sample Grails application. As part of this integration, there are three major components which are used – Groovy, Grails and Acegi Security.

  • Creating Domain Specific Languages with Groovy

    Today marked the first day of the Groovy/Grails Experience, also known as 2GX, in Reston, Virginia. The conference spans three days and includes forty 90-minute sessions, panel discussions and code workshops. One of the first sessions of the day was Venkat Subramaniam's "DSL In Groovy." Venkat provided a thorough discussion on DSLs and how Groovy eases the creation and usage of them.

  • Grails 1.0 Released: ORM DSL, Filters, REST and more

    Grails 1.0 has been released. InfoQ spoke with Graeme Rocher, Grails project lead and co-founder, and CTO of G2One about the release of Grails 1.0 to deliver in-depth coverage about the feature-set, maturity, ease of use and future plans for Grails.

  • Debate: Is Maven the right tool for builds?

    Recently, there has been a lot of debate around the usefulness Maven, which is a Java-based build and dependency management tool being used in many projects. InfoQ took a closer look at this debate to understand what issues are being encountered, and what has resulted from the debate.

  • In a World of Web Framework Choices, Some Developers Still Build Their Own

    Many developers faced with too many choices when selecting a web framework prefer to make the easy choice of using the framework they have used in the past or build their own. This is especially true for Java frameworks, as Neal Ford finds out; he also puts this paradox of choice in the context of other languages and draws some interesting and debatable conclusions.

  • Interview: Guillaume Laforge on Groovy and DSLs

    Groovy project manager Guillaume Laforge discusses the history of Groovy, it's relationship to Java, where Groovy fits into Java development, how Groovy compares to Ruby, how Groovy enables domain-specific languages, and what future Groovy development will focus on.

  • IntelliJ IDEA 7 adds Groovy and Grails Support

    Dynamic language support is becoming an increasingly common part of Java IDEs. NetBeans 6 has Ruby integration, Eclipse has the DLTK and Aptana, and IntelliJ IDEA 7 offers support for Ruby as well as support for Groovy and Grails (it made its first appearance in milestone 2 and will coming out of beta shortly).

  • Raible Revisits Comparing Web Frameworks

    This past week Matt Raible gave a presentation at ApacheCon comparing Java Web Frameworks. This is a follow up to a presentation he gave a few years ago. It is interesting to note the changes in the frameworks being evaluated.