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InfoQ Homepage HTML5 Content on InfoQ

  • Book Excerpt and Interview: Deploying HTML5

    Deploying HTML5 is a book written by Aditya Yadav, a former Sr. Architect for ThoughtWorks and actual CTO of a consultancy firm, explaining the HTML5 standard components, showing how they are implemented across major browsers and providing code samples for using them.

  • How HTML5 Web Sockets Interact With Proxy Servers

    Peter Lubbers makes an introduction to HTML5 Web Sockets explaining how they interact with proxy servers, and what proxy configuration or updates are needed for the Web Sockets traffic to go through.

  • Virtual Panel: Evolution of JavaScript Frameworks for HTML 5

    In this virtual panel the creators and core developers of Dojo, YUI, Prototype,, MooTools and GWT talk about the evolution of JavaScript for the new API's that are exposed with HTML 5. These API's deal with 2D drawing, drag & drop, history, media, client-side persistent storage, server-sent events and more.