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InfoQ Homepage iPad Content on InfoQ

  • Swift Playgrounds 4.0 Enables Creating iOS Apps Using an iPad

    With its latest update to Swift Playground, Apple has made it possible for the first time to create iPhone and iPad apps using an iPad. Developers can build and submit Swift 5.5 apps using SwiftUI and the Swift Package Manager, as well as additional features.

  • Project Catalyst Brings iOS Apps to macOS

    Apple recently announced project Catalyst during its WWDC. Catalyst is designed to allow developers to release iOS apps for macOS, starting with the next major release of macOS Catania.

  • Build Data Driven and Native Mobile Apps with RAD Studio XE4

    RAD Studio XE 4, recently released by Embarcadero enable developers to develop multi device and true native mobile apps for PCs, iPhone and iPad using a single code base.

  • NucliOS: Build iOS Apps with Chart and Grid

    NucliOS, developed by Infragistics is a toolset used to create high performance native applications for iPad and iPhone and includes Chart and Grid controls.

  • Icenium: Doug Seven on Building Hybrid Mobile Apps for iOS and Android

    Icenium is a framework developed by Telerik for building cross platform hybrid mobile apps using HTML and JavaScript. Doug Seven explores the necessity of the framework, its features and provides reactions from the community.

  • Unit Testing on Mobile Devices with .NET/Mono

    An ongoing problem with specialized platforms is the lack of support for unit testing. Developers are forced to compromise the quality of their tests or their build process in order to get anything working. Recently MonoTouch has made progress in this area, but Windows Phone and Mono for Android still lag behind.

  • A Look at MonoTouch.Dialog

    MonoTouch.Dialog is a UI development toolkit designed to dramatically reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed to create application screens for the iPhone and iPad. Through the creative use of attributes, screens are dynamically built from class definitions. Alternately they can be programmatically created or loaded from a JSON document.

  • Unifying Hardware Access across Windows Phone, Android, and iOS

    Xamarin, purveyors of C# compilers for Android and iOS, is looking to make mobile device code more portable by standardizing the way hardware is accessed. Their new abstraction layer, Xamarin.Mobile, allows the same code for contact, geolocation, and notifications to be used across each type of device.

  • JetBrains releases AppCode, an IDE for Objective-C

    JetBrains has released AppCode 1.0, their first release of an Objective-C IDE. It requires Mac OSX 10.5 or above. It requires the Apple Developer Tools to be installed (in order to access the simulator and developer headers) but provides more advanced refactoring and code smell detection. AppCode has a free 30-day trial, and discounted licenses until December 31st.

  • Sync Framework Breaks Platform Barriers

    Sync Framework Toolkit builds on the Sync Framework 2.1 and uses OData to sync with any platform or client, including Windows Phone 7, Silverlight, Windows Mobile, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android devices, and any browser using HTML5.

  • Scott Olson on Cross Platform Mobile Development with MonoCross

    We recently interviewed Scott Olson of the MonoCross Project. The MonoCross Project is a framework for cross-platform mobile development. It uses a combination of .NET and Mono technologies.

  • Cross Platform Libraries in .NET/Mono

    In an attempt to address the platform divergence problem in the .NET/Mono ecosystem, Microsoft is working on an extension called Portable Library Tools. This tool allows the same compiled library to run on .NET 4.0, Silverlight, Xbox 360, and Windows Phone 7 are available. Microsoft is working with Mono to add support for MonoTouch and MonoDroid.

  • A Survey on Mobile Development

    Web Directions conducted a survey among mobile developers enquiring about their browser and platform of choice, what OS they are currently developing for, what OS they plan to target in the future. The conclusion: iOS and Safari are in the lead, Android is catching up quickly, and Windows Phone 7 is still behind.

  • Mono and .NET: The Secret Behind Medtronic’s iPad App

    Apple has been heavily promoting the iPad for business applications. One of their biggest success stories is the Medtronic mStar application, which you can see on Apples website. What Apple isn’t talking about that it is really a cross-platform application running the same the C# code base on Windows, iPhone, iPad, Android, and WebKit.

  • Chameleon brings UIKit to OSX

    The Chameleon project has been launched by the Iconfactory to allow UIKit-based applications to be ported to MacOSX. This enabled Twitterific for OSX to share 90% of the code with its iOS version and ultimately permit Iconfactory to do simultaneous releases on the iOS and Mac App Stores.