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  • AngularJS in Action - An Interview With Lukas Ruebbelke

    AngularJS in Action by Lukas Ruebbelke is a hands-on book about Angular version 1. Through a sample ToDo list application, angello, it shows AngularJS’s architecture and components. With AngularJS v.2 Beta just being released, InfoQ spoke with the author about the lessons learned from the book and AngularJS present and future direction.

  • Q&A on the Book Scenario-Focused Engineering

    The book Scenario-Focused Engineering describes a customer-centric lean and agile approach for developing and delivering software-based products. It provides ideas to understand customer needs based upon end-to-end experiences and for designing products in a customer-focused way using a fast feedback cycle.

  • Yes, Hardware Can Be Agile!

    “You can’t do 2-week iterations with hardware!” This is the first thing you’ll hear when talk turns to Agile methods in hardware-software product development. A mix of existing robust hardware development ideas, plus a few newly taken from Agile software are being used now by real teams, even to get around - or through - the challenge of doing fast iterations.

  • The Modern JavaScript Developer’s Toolbox

    The toolbox of the modern JavaScript developer has changed a lot in the last 20 years. From IDEs to build automation tools, there are plenty of options for developers. Choosing the best JavaScript library is only part of the process. Linters, bundlers, and minifiers are essential to productivity and performance when building modern web apps.

  • A Rails Enthusiast’s take on MEAN.js

    John looks at AngularJS and the MEAN stack as an alternative to Ruby on Rails as a productive stack for building typical web applications.

  • Javascript and JQuery - Book Review

    An introductory text on JavaScript and jQuery aimed at designers rather than coders. Visually appealing, with some excellent explanations for non-coders. Highly recommended for beginners and those with no experience of JavaScript.

  • New Book: jQuery, jQuery UI And jQuery Mobile

    “jQuery, jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile” is a new book by Adriaan de Jonge and Phil Dutson. The book takes you through the various jQuery libraries and also covers the plugin-architecture provided by jQuery. The authors assume that the reader has basic HTML and JavaScript knowledge, but start from very basics of each of the jQuery libraries before going into advanced topics.

  • New Book: JQuery Mobile In 24 Hrs

    “Sams Teach Yourself jQuery Mobile In 24 Hrs” is a new book by Phil Dutson that introduces web developers to building mobile web apps with JQuery Mobile. The book is divided into 24 separate chapters meant to be consumed in an hour each. InfoQ got in touch with Phil to know more about the book and Mobile web app development in general.

  • Challenges and Opportunities in Mobile Application Development and Mobile DSLs

    Converged Mobile Solutions differ significantly from their Web and Desktop counterparts: they often rely on a sophisticated compared to their scope, while the User Experience and Device Capabilities are paramount to their success. We review the Mobile Technologies, Development Tools and Processes and detail how a DSL can simplify the delivery of Rich Cross Platforms Mobile Solutions.

  • Book Excerpt and Interview: ExtJS in Action

    ExtJS in Action by Jesus Garcia is a book that tries to introduce the Ext JS cross-browser JavaScript library, which is used for building Rich Internet Applications. Ext JS combines a large library of widgets, an extensible component model, and an easy-to-use API to create a full, rock-solid platform for JavaScript-based web apps.

  • Virtual Panel: Evolution of JavaScript Frameworks for HTML 5

    In this virtual panel the creators and core developers of Dojo, YUI, Prototype,, MooTools and GWT talk about the evolution of JavaScript for the new API's that are exposed with HTML 5. These API's deal with 2D drawing, drag & drop, history, media, client-side persistent storage, server-sent events and more.

  • Using SketchFlow to Create Better Prototypes

    All good developers use some kind of prototyping as a communication channel to customers. Simon Guest of Microsoft introduces a new technology from Microsoft, SketchFlow, and shows how it could be useful to developers as well as the primary audience of designers. The discussion covers coverage (WPF and Silverlight), functionality, workflow, prototyping, and documentation.