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  • JSON-LD Reaches W3C Recommendation Status

    The W3C RDF Working Group has moved the JSON-LD and JSON-LD 1.0 Processing Algorithms and API standards forward to recommended status. JSON-LD is a standard to add "linked data" semantics to JSON.

  • Noda Time 1.2 Released with XML, JSON Serialization and Text Formatting

    The recently released Noda Time 1.2 provides support for XML and JSON serialization, text formatting and also includes an assembly that enables developers to handle JSON serialization.

  • Reintroducing Hstore for PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL 9.4 will be reintroducing Hstore as the column type of choice for document-style data. This supersedes PostgreSQL’s JSON support which was introduced in version 9.0 and early tests show it to be significantly faster than MongoDB for some operations.

  • Serializing Immutable Collections in .NET

    Serialization and immutable collections do mix in .NET, but only if you look to third party libraries like JSON.NET and protobuf-net.

  • XML Can Give the Same Performance as JSON

    Many of the presumptions of how slow and resource-demanding "Fat” XML is compared to JSON’s lightweight payload do not hold up to a test David Lee, lead engineer at Marklogic, states after running a "crowd sourcing" experiment with 33 different documents and almost 1200 tests on a multitude of browsers and operating systems.

  • Don't Tell Them its REST

    Node.js has built a user-base and reputation for fast and scalable back-end systems. In a recent edition of the Nodeup podcast, four engineers share their experiences developing APIs using the platform. The conversation covers a range of key concerns including API design, security, testing, documentation, schemas and streaming. But advertising your API as RESTful may not be a good idea.

  • Twitter API v1.1 with JSON and OAuth1.0a Support

    The recently released Twitter API V1.1 ships with support for JSON and provides an ability to authenticate apps via OAuth1.0a.

  • Architectural Changes in JSON.NET 5

    Newtonsoft’s JSON.NET has received a pair of architectural updates to make it easier to use in projects that involve third party libraries. The two features are known as DefaultSettings and Extension Data.

  • Standard Java API for JSON

    JSR-353, the Java API for JSON Processing (JSON-P), has reached final approval ballot this month. JSON-P (similar to JAXP) consists of a Streaming API (similar to StAX) and an Object Model API (similar to DOM). Please note that this API does not include JSON data binding (similar to JAXB), and is unrelated to the more popular JSONP or "JSON with padding".

  • JSON Validation Roundup

    Create any “flexible” or “extensible” file format and sooner or later a group of developers will start complaining about validation. For JSON, several options are starting to spring up.

  • Getting Started with OData v3 and WCF Data Services 5.x

    If you are building new web services with .NET then OData should be high on your list of frameworks to investigate, especially if you need to support unknown third parties. The technology inherently supports both SOAP and REST style messages with the latter offering ATOM (XML) and JSON representations. This means consumers can pretty much request whatever format is best for them.

  • WCF Data Services 5.2.0 with UriParser Support

    Microsoft has announced the availability of WCF Data Services 5.2.0 with support for UriParser and fixes to several bugs.

  • Java EE 7 Expert Group Seeking Community Feedback

    As JSR 342, the specification for Java EE 7, makes its way through early draft review the expert group is keen to get community feedback on a number of open issues. These include which of the new APIs should be added to the Java EE Full/Web Profile, as well as how to better align CDI with Java EE.

  • ASP.NET Anti-Forgery Tokens With JSON Payloads

    ASP.NET MVC has AntiForgeryToken helper that allow you to detect and block CSRF attacks using user-specific tokens. However when making primarily ajax requests or using javascript frameworks such as Knockout and Backbone which have JSON payloads, the approach needs to change a bit.

  • JSONiq: The JSON Query Language

    JSONiq is a new query language that builds upon XQuery. Like SQL or LINQ, it has syntactic support concepts such as let, for, where, group by, and select.