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InfoQ Homepage LINQ Content on InfoQ

  • LINQ Grouping Techniques

    For the most part LINQ works very much like SQL. Sources, joins, selects, and where clauses are all pretty standard fare. The Group/By/Into clause is where this breaks down. Unlike SQL, which always returns a rectangular dataset, LINQ is capable of returning hierarchical data. This brings new challenges of its own.

  • Vendors Line Up Behind ADO.NET Entity Framework

    Eight vendors have are planning to release drivers for ADO.NET Entity Framework within three months of RTM. IBM, MySQL AB, and a host for 3rd party vendors are targeting databases such as DB2, MySQL, and Oracle.

  • Declarative, Imperative, and Task-based Parallelism in .NET

    Daniel Moth has released four videos on Parallel Extensions for .NET. These cover the new declarative, imperative, and task-based parallelism APIs for the .NET framework.

  • A Look inside LINQ

    Writing LINQ Providers will become an essential skill for framework developers over the coming years. In the future all .NET libraries that expose a data store will be expected to have LINQ support, and with the recent release of .NET 3.5, the clock has started ticking.

  • Post-VS 2008-Technology: LINQ to XSD and LINQ to Stored XML

    Today, Shyam Pather, Principal Development Lead on the Data Programmability Team at Microsoft, is giving a presentation on LINQ to XML: Visual Studio 2008, Silverlight, and Beyond at the XML 2007 Conference in Boston. He talks about the current and future technologies surrounding LINQ to XML.

  • PLINQ Has Been Released As Parallel Extensions

    A community tech preview of Parallel Extensions, originally known as PLINQ, has been released. Parallel Extensions goes beyond what was found in PLINQ and will include imperative data parallel APIs.

  • The Dark Side of Closures

    Closures are not a new concept and in LINQ have proven to be incredibly useful. But they do have a dark side when used to break encapsulation. When two seemingly independent functions are tied together, unexpected results can occur.

  • Abstracting Data Query in Ruby with Ambition Ambition

    The .NET community is familiar with the general purpose query facilities added to the .NET Framework by the project LINQ. Ruby was missing such an abstraction layer. Chris Wanstrath brings his own solution: Ambition.

  • Quaere: LINQ Arrives for Java

    Anders Noras introduced the Quaere library, billed as LINQ for Java, last week at JavaZone. Quaere is a DSL providing query functionality against any structure implementing Iterable or its Queryable interface.

  • More on Parallel LINQ

    MSDN Magazine has spilled the beans on Parallel LINQ. Parallel LINQ, also known as PLINQ, is a set of LINQ extensions that hide the dirty work of distributing LINQ queries across multiple cores.

  • LINQ Aggregates in VB and C#

    An aggregate is a function that takes a collection of values and returns a scalar value. Examples from T-SQL include min, max, and sum. Both VB and C# have support for aggregates, but in very different ways.

  • Brian Beckman and Erik Meijer of MSR on Tesla

    The project code-named TESLA in Microsoft Research is being spearheaded by Brian Beckman and Erik Meijer. LINQ is the first released technology aimed at democratizing the Internet coming from Microsoft. From Monoids to LINQ, Brian and Erik provide insight into the future of the .NET Framework languages at Microsoft and how they plan to change the Cloud as we know it today.

  • CodeSmith's PLINQO: Replace & Extend LINQ to SQL

    CodeSmith released Professional LINQ to Objects, a set of templates to be used with CodeSmith and Visual Studio 2008 that supplement Microsoft's upcoming LINQ to SQL and have many great features including the ability ot generate or update a LINQ to SQL dbml file from a db schema, generation of LINQ to SQL entity manager & entity classes as well as the DataContext class.

  • Do You Need a Data Layer?

    With LINQ nearing release, the need for a separate data access layer needs to be reevaluated. Is it still an essential part of an application's design? Or has it become an appendix of the past?

  • The Curious Nature of Transactions in ADO.NET and LINQ

    Transactions in LINQ rely on TransactionScope, a .NET 2.0 class that uses a distinctly non-OO design pattern that relies on gloabls.