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  • Call .NET Libraries from Lisp Using RDNZL

    A long standing complaint about Lisp is the lack of high quality libraries. While the truth of this is disputed, there is certainly value in having access to the wide array of libraries found in the .Net platform.

  • Ruby x Agile: Matz explores the relationships between Ruby and Agile

    Ruby creator Yukihiro Matsumoto recently starred in the first of six short videos exploring the relationship between Ruby and Agile methodologies. Matz features along with Kenji Hiranabe and Shintaro Kakutani. Kenji is a self confessed ‘Agile agitator’ and Japanese translator of multiple XP/Agile books. Shintaro is a strong Ruby proponent.

  • Obie Fernandez on Agile Ruby DSLs

    Software-Engineering Radio, the "Podcast for Professional Software Developers" has published their exclusive interview of InfoQ's own Ruby editor Obie Fernandez about Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) and how Ruby facilitates writing internal DSLs.