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  • Using SEDA to Ensure Service Availability

    A new strategy for incorporating event driven architecture for scalability and availability of services in the context of SOA. These strategies are based on queuing research pioneered for the use of highly abailable and scalable services, initially in the Web context, but moving into the SOA and Web services context. Actual implementation is described in the context of Mule.

  • Java, .NET, But Why Together?

    The Java vs. NET war is over. In this article, Ted Neward looks at how we can leverage the strengths of each together, such as using Microsoft Office to act as a "rich client" to a Java middle-tier service, or building a Windows Presentation Foundation GUI on top of Java POJOs, or even how to execute Java Enterprise/J2EE functionality from within a Windows Workflow host.

  • ESB Roundup Part two: ESB Use Cases

    This is the second part of InfoQ's ESB series, an exploration of Enterprise Service Bus, or ESB technologies. The focus is use cases required by companies deploying this technology, such as protocol bridging, security intermediation and service virtualization. The article references analyst commentary, survey research results and comments on part one of the ESB roundup.

  • Evolutionary integration with ESBs

    ESB Programming experts provide simple working examples and clearly communicated ideas and patterns using the open source Mule ESB tool set. These examples provide both working code as well as suggest a methodology of evolutionary integration which can be used to dramatically simplify and accelerate SOA integration.

  • Simple JAVA and .NET SOA interoperability

    .NET and Java interop can be made really simple using a REST documentcentric approach. This article compares a REST and SOAP approach to interop as well as the advantages of using HTTP POST vs. GET for REST invocations.