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  • Swagger Creator Wants to Build Better SOAP for Web APIs

    During the recent GlueCon 2014 conference in Colorado, Tony Tam, the creator of Swagger and CEO of Reverb, gave a well attended talk on Swagger APIs for humans (and robots), where he announced the Swagger 2.0 Working Group and an early version of an online code editor offering a dynamic YAML to Swagger UI conversion.

  • Microservices: Usage Is More Important than Size

    Using size for defining microservices is useless when determining a service responsibility, Jeppe Cramon states in a series of blog posts explaining his view on microservices and the coupling problems he finds in synchronous two-way communication.

  • Udi Dahan on Event-Driven Architecture and Loosely Coupled Systems

    We should build systems more loosely coupled to achieve properties like robustness, resilience and scalability, Udi Dahan emphasizes in a recent presentation discussing how we can model our systems using more event-driven and asynchronous patterns and some of the challenges developers face when introducing these principles and patterns into development.

  • Are REST Alternatives Needed?

    Ole Lensmar, creator of SoapUI, has asked whether REST is really appropriate for architectures that require real-time, asynchronous interactions and binary protocols. In his article he discusses these areas and believes that alternative approaches are required.

  • ActiveMQ 5.9 with Replicated LevelDB Store and Hawtio Web Console

    The recently released version 5.9 of the message broker Apache ActiveMQ adds among other features support for replication of the LevelDB Store and a new Hawtio web console together with more than 200 issues resolved.

  • Level Up Your REST Based Web API with Hypermedia

    When we started building a new Web API for our business we wanted to build a really great API and the answer on Internet was to build a RESTful API, Amy Palamountain revealed in a recent presentation at TechEd in New Zealand when sharing her experiences of how to build a RESTful API based on the core ideas of HTTP and the web.

  • Mike Amundsen Workshop on API Design

    "Don't version unless you absolutely must, and it is rare that you absolutely must" says Mike Amundsen in a series of API design workshops he held recently. Amundsen describes the "USE" paradigm for API design focussing on usability, scalability and evolvability. He describes the three most common styles of API implementation and how they compare to these principles.

  • Windows Azure Service Bus Gets Better Interoperability With AMQP

    Microsoft recently announced general availability of AMQP support for Windows Azure Service Bus. The feature has been in preview for about six months now and allows interoperability between applications built on various technologies and different operating systems.

  • RabbitMQ Gets Simpler, Better At STOMP, MQTT

    RabbitMQ 3.0 was recently released with STOMP 1.2 support, new plugins for Web-STOMP and MQTT, more user-friendly commands for clustering, per-message TTL, several performance improvements and more.

  • Windows Azure Messaging Features Come To Windows Server

    Microsoft has announced public availability of Service Bus 1.0, and it will be free to use with a properly licensed Windows Server. This makes features from Windows Azure Messaging available on in-house infrastructure.

  • Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM) Unveiled, to Replace C2DM Framework

    Google has unveiled its Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM) service, which improves upon the deprecated Cloud to Device Messaging framework (C2DM) it replaces with no quotas, no sign-up forms and a richer set of new APIs.

  • Microsoft Previews Windows Azure Application Integration Services

    In late December 2011, Microsoft announced the pre-release of a set of services labeled Windows Azure Service Bus EAI Labs. These enhancements to the existing Windows Azure Service Bus make it easier to connect (cloud) applications through the use of message routing rules, protocol bridging, message transformation services and connectivity to on-premises line of business systems.

  • Security Vulnerabilities in Amazon and Eucalyptus

    A recent paper published by researchers in Germany reveals multiple security vulnerabilities in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Eucalyptus's SOAP and web interfaces. The flaws are related to architectural choices which impacts multiple users and the overall cloud security.

  • AppFabric Queues, Topics and Subscriptions Released

    Windows Azure AppFabric Features, Queues, Topics and Subscriptions, which were in CTP for some time now have now been released. These enable new scenarios for Applications hosted on Windows Azure such as asynchronous Cloud Eventing, Event-Driven SOA, Load leveling/balancing and more.

  • Spring AMQP 1.0 GA

    SpringSource, a division of VMware, has released Spring AMQP 1.0 GA (1.0.0.RELEASE). The Spring AMQP project applies core Spring concepts to the development of AMQP-based messaging solutions, and is available in both Java and .NET versions.