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  • Challenges and Opportunities in Mobile Application Development and Mobile DSLs

    Converged Mobile Solutions differ significantly from their Web and Desktop counterparts: they often rely on a sophisticated compared to their scope, while the User Experience and Device Capabilities are paramount to their success. We review the Mobile Technologies, Development Tools and Processes and detail how a DSL can simplify the delivery of Rich Cross Platforms Mobile Solutions.

  • Xtext/TS - a Typesystem Framework for Xtext

    Since the release of version 1.0, it has become feasible to build complex expression languages in Xtext. However, once you have expressions, you typically also need a type system. In this article Markus Völter describes a framework for specifying type systems for expression languages built using Xtext.

  • A Brief Introduction to the Java and .NET Patent Issues

    With the recent legal battle between Google and Oracle there is a renewed focus on the patent issues for Java and .NET. Tim Smith introduces the licenses offered by Oracle/Sun and Microsoft, with a focus on how they may affect third party implementation. Possible motivations for Google Android’s unique implementation are also covered.

  • Interview With Paul Fremantle On WSO2 Stratos

    WSO2 recently released Stratos an Open Source Cloud Computing Platform for Enterprise Application Development. WSO2 Stratos is built on top of and extends WSO2 Carbon an OSGi-compliant middleware. InfoQ interviewed Paul Fremantle CTO of WSO2 to talk about the product offering and provide insights into the roadmap and development of Stratos.

  • Flexible and User-configurable Charts with Flash Builder Backed by a Java-based RESTful API

    Daniel Morgan shows how to build a portal-style web application comprising a Java back-end to serve a RESTful API for creating, updating, deleting and retrieving dashboard-style, user-configurable charts assembled using Adobe Flash Builder.

  • Scala & Spring: Combine the best of both worlds

    Based on a concrete example with Scala, Spring and JPA the article explains how to enhance Spring with Scala’s powerful concepts such as implicit conversions and traits. Moreover, it shows how the gap between a Java based framework and Scala can smoothly be bridged.

  • Implementing Google's "Did you mean" Feature In Java

    Leandro Moreira shows how to implement a domain specific version of Google’s “Did you mean” feature based on the SpellChecker project in the Apache Lucene sandbox using thee alternative algorithms (Levenshtein, Jaro-Winkler and N-gram).

  • BlazeDS and JMS for PHP Developers, Part 1

    BlazeDS is an open source project from Adobe that allows you to connect your Adobe Flex applications with data services. The Java Messaging Service (JMS) is a method of communicating with services written in Java. In the first of two articles, InfoQ looks at the advantages of JMS and how you can use BlazeDS to communicate with your Java services via JMS from your Flex applications.

  • Modular Java: What Is It?

    Over the last few years, modularity for Java has been an active discussion topic. From the (now defunct) JSR 277 to the recognition of JSR 291 and the ongoing JSR 294, modularity is seen as a necessary step in Java's evolution. Even future JVM-based languages like Scala are considering modularity. So, what does modularity mean, and why should you care?

  • Getting started with AMQP and RabbitMQ

    Joern Barthel introduces the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), and illustrates it's useage with Ruby-based client and an EDA-style app. The open source RabbitMQ server is used on the backend (which is written in Erlang).

  • Creating Highly-Scalable Components in Java

    This article presents a library supporting the development of highly-scalable applications that take advantage of an underlying multi-core hardware. The library is part of the Amino Library Project. One example: ensure scalability of applications by using , java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap to replace a synchronized HashTable.

  • Service Dynamics: the lazy man's way

    This article describes "the hardest topic in OSGi, how to deal with service dynamics," based on personal experience. Two factors, concurrency and direct service references, make the problem "fiendishly hard." An import and an export policy should form a comprehensive doctrine for dealing with service dynamics and the article explores two export policies with their corresponding doctrines.