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  • Can the Simple Module System save JSR294?

    Over the past month there has been a lot of debate on the current state of the Java Modularity working group (JSR 294). Although the JSR tries to find common ground between different module systems (notably Sun's Project Jigsaw and OSGi), the current set of proposals are overly complex and introduce the world's first concept of a meta-module system. Can the Simple Module System save JSR294?

  • JRuby Roundup: JRuby Team Joins EngineYard, YAML Support, OSGi, Installer

    Sun's JRuby team, Charles Nutter, Tom Enebo, Nick Sieger, will leave Sun and join EngineYard, where they'll continue work on JRuby. YAML support was improved with Ola Bini's work on a new YAML parser. Also: a look at how to run JRuby under OSGi and the upcoming JRuby Installer.

  • OSGi: The Next Release

    Peter Kriens, technical director of the OSGi alliance, gave a presentation on the upcoming OSGi 4.2 release at the UK OSGi Users Group. The event was recorded, and the video is now available. OSGi 4.2 is expected to be released to the public by the end of August 2009 and includes a number of new features.

  • Towards Generics Support for OSGi

    OSGi's APIs are based on Java 1.1 support to allow it to run in VM-constrained devices such as J2ME mobile phones. However, with Java 1.4's end-of-life, all development systems are capable of handling generics and language features like for-each. Peter Kriens and BJ Hargrave present the results of some experimental investigation of how the OSGi APIs might end up being able to support generics.

  • Google Guice 2.0: Enhanced Capabilities, Less Boilerplate

    Guice, a lightweight Java dependency injection framework created by Google, recently released version 2.0. InfoQ spoke with Google Developer Team member Jesse Wilson to learn more about this release and what capabilities it adds to Guice.

  • JOSH: A Proposed Software Stack for the Enterprise

    Grey Lens Man, a blogger who does not decline his identity, posted an interesting piece about legacy problems plaguing the enterprise and proposes a new software stack as viable solution: JOSH, JSON OSGi Scala HTTP.

  • Spring Tool Suite 2.0 Released with OSGi, Dm Server, and XML Editing Enhancements

    SpringSource has released version 2.0 of the Spring Tool Suite with OSGi, SpringSource Dm Server, and XML editing enhancements.

  • Apache Tuscany Java SCA 2.0 M1 Released

    The Apache Tuscany team announced the release of 2.0 M1 of the Java Service Component Architecture (SCA) project. SCA defines a technology neutral component and assembly model for business application developers to focus on implementing the business logic and composing them into business solutions without worrying about the technology concerns.

  • Article: Why Do We Need Distributed OSGi?

    Recently, an early release draft of a Distributed OSGi requirements and design document has been published, along with a reference implementation as part of Apache CXF. In a new article, Eric Newcomer writes about the current status of distributed OSGi and explains the reasons for standardizing it in the first place, and its significance to the OSGi specification and community.

  • Fremantle and Weerawarana on WSO2's New OSGi-based SOA Platform

    WSO2, the company behind many of the Apache foundation's Web services projects, has released new versions of most of its software, now running on an OSGi-based platform called "Carbon". InfoQ spoke to WSO2 co-founders Paul Fremantle and Sanjiva Weerawarana.

  • Interview: Rob Harrop on SpringSource dm Server and OSGi

    In this interview made by InfoQ’s Srini Penchikala, Rob Harrop talks about SpringSource dm Server, its OSGi based modularity and the advantages it offers. He also touches other adjacent topics like support for Java EE6, cloud computing, JMX, and others.

  • Article: Java 7 Module System Concerns

    In this article, Lukas Krecan, introduces the reader with some basic concepts of modularization, gives a roundup of some Java module systems and deals with how Project Jigsaw is connected to the upcoming Java 7.

  • Jigsaw - the death knell of JSR277?

    Following up from an earlier post about modularising the JDK (which InfoQ covered earlier), Mark Reinhold posted the announcement of Project Jigsaw as part of the OpenJDK. Is this the death of JSR277?

  • OSGi in the Enterprise

    With the recent announcement of GlassFish v3 "Prelude", Sun's OSGi-based Java EE 6 server, the use of OSGi across the enterprise has grown to encompass almost all of the back-end servers.

  • ModuleFusion 1.0.2 Released: Enterprise OSGi Distribution

    ModuleFusion 1.0.2, an OSGi service stack designed for enterprise applications, was released. The distribution includes frameworks such as Google Guice, Hibernate, and Jetty, packaged as bundles.