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  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon New York 2017

    The sixth annual QCon New York was the biggest yet, bringing together over 1,100 team leads, architects, project managers, and engineering directors - up from last year's record of 940. It was also the first to take place in our new home in Times Square.

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon London 2017

    This year was the 11th for QCon London; it was also our largest London event to date. Including our 140 speakers we had 1435 team leads, architects, and project managers attending 112 technical sessions across 18 concurrent editorial tracks and 16 in-depth workshops.

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon San Francisco 2016

    The 10th annual QCon San Francisco was the biggest yet, bringing together over 1500 team leads, architects, project managers, and engineering directors. Over 125 practitioner-speakers presented 92 full-length technical sessions and 32 in-depth tutorials, providing deep insights into real-world architectures and state of the art software development practices from a practitioner’s perspective.

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon New York 2016

    The fifth annual QCon New York was the biggest yet, bringing together over 800 team leads, architects, project managers, and engineering directors. In total, over 140 practitioner-speakers presented 79 full-length technical sessions and 16 in-depth tutorials, providing deep insights into real-world architectures and state of the art software development practices from a practitioner’s perspective.

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon London 2016

    This article summarizes the key takeaways and highlights from QCon London 2016 as blogged and tweeted by QCon's 1,400 attendees. Over the course of the next 4 months, InfoQ will be publishing most of the conference sessions online, including 21 video interviews that were recorded by the InfoQ editorial team.

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon San Francisco 2015

    This article summarizes the key takeaways and highlights from QCon San Francisco 2015 as blogged and tweeted by QCon's 1,300 attendees. Over the course of the next 4 months, InfoQ will be publishing most of the conference sessions online, including 10 video interviews that were recorded by the InfoQ editorial team.

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon New York 2015

    This article summarizes the key takeaways and highlights from QCon New York 2015 as blogged and tweeted by QCon's attendees. Over the course of the next 4 months, InfoQ will be publishing most of the conference sessions online, including video interviews that were recorded by the InfoQ editorial team.

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon London 2015

    This article summarizes the key takeaways and highlights from QCon London 2015 as blogged and tweeted by QCon's 1,200 attendees. Over the course of the next 4 months, InfoQ will be publishing most of the conference sessions online, including more then 25 video interviews that were recorded by the InfoQ editorial team.

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon San Francisco 2014

    This article summarizes the key takeaways and highlights from QCon San Francisco 2014 as blogged and tweeted by QCon's 1,200 attendees. Over the course of the next 4 months, InfoQ will be publishing most of the conference sessions online, including 10 video interviews that were recorded by the InfoQ editorial team.

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon New York 2014

    This article summarizes the key takeaways and highlights from QCon New York 2014 as blogged and tweeted by attendees. Over the course of the next 5 months, InfoQ will be publishing most of the conference sessions online, including 24 video interviews that were recorded by the InfoQ editorial team.

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon London 2014

    This article summarizes the key takeaways and highlights from QCon London 2014 as blogged and tweeted by attendees. Over the course of the next 4 months, InfoQ will be publishing most of the conference sessions online, including 27 video interviews that were recorded by the InfoQ editorial team. The publishing schedule can be found on the QCon London web site.

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon San Francisco 2013

    This article summarizes the key takeaways and highlights from QCon San Francisco 2013 as blogged and tweeted by attendees. Over the course of the next 4 months, InfoQ will be publishing most of the conference sessions online, including 19 video interviews that were recorded by the InfoQ editorial team. The publishing schedule can be found on the QCon San Francisco web site.