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InfoQ Homepage Research

InfoQ's research widget has been deprecated. It should continue to work however, and we hope to relaunch it at some point in the future.

  • Ruby On Rails State of Practice: Frontend

    Rails developers can draw from a huge pool of libraries to build their applications. Dozens of options are available Just for templating: do you use ERB, HAML, SASS, or do you prefer a JavaScript approach with Backbone.js or Knockout.js? The possibilities are endless, so we want to find out what our readers are using, or planning to use in the future, for their frontend.

  • Top JavaScript MVC Frameworks

    JavaScript front-end codebases have been growing larger and more difficult to maintain. As a way to solve this issue developers have been turning to MVC frameworks which promise increased productivity and maintainable code. As part of the new community-driven research initiative, InfoQ is examining the adoption of such frameworks and libraries by developers.

  • Ruby On Rails State of Practice: Deployment and Management

    Rails developers can draw from a huge pool of libraries to build their applications. Dozens of options are available Just for templating: do you use ERB, HAML, SASS, or do you prefer a JavaScript approach with Backbone.js or Knockout.js? The possibilities are endless, so we want to find out what our readers are using, or planning to use in the future, for deployment and management .

  • Major Software Development Trends for 2013

    With 2012 coming to an end and everybody talking about what lies ahead in 2013, InfoQ has conducted a quick poll amongst its editors about the trends that have a good potential to get significant traction or even dominated the software development community during the next year. These trends include everything from specific programming languages, platforms, development methodologies, and more.

  • Top Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Toolsets

    In the recent past there has been a sudden upsurge in the number of competing ALM offerings from vendors that previously offered a subset of the toolset.With this survey, we would like to measure the ability to execute and the completeness of vision of each of these competing toolsets.

  • What's Your Next JVM Language?

    Is the Java language limiting your programmers' productivity and you're looking for an alternative? Which of the many JVM languages out there will you pick?

  • Why Are You Not Using Functional Languages?

    Functional programming promises many benefits - but its adoption in the industry and the enterprise has been slow. What are the big obstacles to the adoption of functional programming?

  • Top 20 Web Frameworks for the JVM

    Since the early days of Java, there have been many frameworks and libraries that have tried to improve web developers productivity and this trend has continued with JVM languages like Groovy, Scala, JRuby, Clojure, etc. Using the new community research tool, we at InfoQ want to get YOUR opinions on the relative importance and maturity of a variety of web frameworks that are targeted for the JVM.

  • Top Quality Standards for Architecture Reviews

    This research is designed to help our readers to be aware of the quality standards when doing architectural reviews. By understanding these standards, they can make better decisions on architecture and design.

  • Biggest Impediments for Effective Agile Adoption?

    This InfoQ Research item aims to rank the impediments to agile adoption in organisations. It examines organisational, structural, cultural, technical and management factors that could inhibit agile adoption.

  • What is the Next Major Hurdle for Cloud Computing?

    With cloud adopters now seeing some success, what is the next hurdle that will slow cloud adoption? This InfoQ Research item is designed to assist to explore potential hazards in cloud computing adoption that has yet to be recognized due to the fact maturity around cloud adoption is just starting to rise.

  • JavaScript MVC Frameworks vs. Compile to JavaScript Languages

    InfoQ is examining the adoption of JavaScript MVC frameworks, compared to languages that transcompile to JavaScript, for front-end development. Please vote and share your opinions.

  • What are the Most Important and Mature Cross Platform Mobile Tools?

    InfoQ have launched a new community driven research tool, and one of the areas we want to examine is the importance and adoption level of cross platform mobile tools that aim to help developers deliver applications on a variety of platforms. Please vote and review the responses from other voters using this new service.

  • What are the Most Important and Adoption-Ready Agile Practices?

    InfoQ have launched a new community driven research tool, and one of the areas we want to examine is the relative importance, and level of use in teams of a variety of agile practices, covering both social and technical practices that teams may be using. Please vote and review the responses from other voters using this new service.

  • What Are Your Priorities for Java and the JVM?

    This community-driven research, looks at InfoQ readers' priorities for Java 9 and beyond, both language and platform.

  • What are the Most Valuable Tools for HTML5 Development?

    As the HTML5 features and functionality have been growing over the last few years, so have the tools that aim to make some of these powerful APIs more accesible and help developers be more productive. This is an InfoQ research question about which of these tools are most favored by developers.