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InfoQ Homepage Ruby on Rails Content on InfoQ

  • Interview: Ruby in Practice with Jeremy McAnally

    InfoQ’s Robert Bazinet and Matthew Bass had the opportunity recently to talk with Jeremy McAnally about his new book, Ruby in Practice. Jeremy gives readers insight about the book but goes into detail about Ruby’s use in the enterprise.

  • Interview: The Well-Grounded Rubyist

    This interview talks about David A. Black’s new book, The Well-Grounded Rubyist, and his views on learning Ruby and making the transition from Ruby 1.8.6 to 1.9.1.

  • Rack 1.0 Released

    Rack, the "minimal interface between webservers supporting Ruby and Ruby frameworks" has finally seen its 1.0 release. We talked to Rack developer Christian Neukirchen to learn what his plans for the future of Rack are.

  • Interview: Geoffrey Grosenbach on PeepCode

    In this interview taped at RubyFringe, Geoffrey Grosenbach talks about the Ruby and Rails community, the popular PeepCode screencasts and books, and more.

  • Interview: Talking RubyMine with JetBrains Developer Dmitry Jemerov

    Dmitry Jemerov is the lead developer of the RubyMine IDE project at JetBrains. RubyMine is the new integrated development environment from JetBrains focusing on helping Ruby and Ruby on Rails developers be more productive and efficient programmers.

  • RiCal: A New iCalendar Library for Ruby

    RiCal is an implementation of RFC2445, better known as the iCalendar format. We talked to its creator Rick DeNatale to learn why Ruby needed a new library for parsing and generating the iCalendar format.

  • Heroku's Provisionless Hosting for Rails Apps is Revolutionary

    Heroku debuted a commercial version of their Rails hosting solution last week, after a free beta stage that lasted over a year. Using Heroku, deployment of a new Ruby web application from scratch is accomplished with little more than a handful of commands from your terminal. No emails, phone calls or support tickets needed.

  • Rails BDD with Macros, I18n,... with Remarkable

    There are many ways to develop, test and integrate your Rails application: from TDD with the basic Test:Unit or ZenTest, to BDD with RSpec, Shoulda or Cucumber. Remarkable tries to unify the syntax and adds some more flavors to make your Rails BDD painless.

  • RubyMine 1.0 Steps Into the Ruby IDE Ring

    JetBrains, the developers of IntelliJ IDEA and ReSharper among others, released its first foray into the Ruby space with RubyMine 1.0 – an IDE for Ruby and Ruby on Rails development.

  • JRuby on Google App Engine Roundup: DataMapper Adapter for DataStore, Reggae

    While JRuby on Rails doesn't have ActiveRecord, DataMapper, an ORM often used with Merb, has gained a new adapter for Google App Engine's DataStore. Also: work on Reggae, automatic tooling for deploying Rack apps on GAE is under way.

  • JRuby Roundup: Google App Engine Support, BiteScript, New Compiler

    With JRuby 1.2 released, the JRuby community is working on new projects such as a new Ruby to bytecode compiler, a standalone JRuby parser and a first release of the bytecode generating DSL Bitescript. Also: JRuby works on Google App Engine's newly announced Java support.

  • Run Code Run: Hosted Continuous Integration

    RunCodeRun is a hosted continuous integration service for Ruby projects on GitHub, developed by Relevance. We take a first look at the project and talked to its developer Rob Sanheim.

  • MountainWest RubyConf 2009 Videos

    MountainWest RubyConf took place from 13-14 March in Salt Lake City. All talks are available from Confreaks; we picked some interesting ones – Rails 3 and Merb, DSL design, usability on Rails, Vertebra – and give a coarse summary and some pointers into the talks.

  • Ruby at Google Summer of Code 2009

    Google Summer of Code 2009 now accepts applications from students. Possible Ruby mentor organizations are Ruby on Rails, Codehaus and others. We take a look at suggested/available projects.

  • Interview: Tim Bray on the Future of the Web

    In this interview made during QCon SF 2008, Tim Bray talks about why he is not convinced with the buzz surrounding Rich Internet Applications and shares his ideas on Cloud Computing. He also expresses his opinion regarding the debate REST vs. WS-* and the future directions web technologies will be taking.