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InfoQ Homepage Service Component Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Jim Marino on Fabric3 1.5 Release

    A new version of the open source SCA implementation – Fabric3 - introduces many new features including improved clustering, deep integration with WebLogic application server, and improved performance support. InfoQ has conducted an interview with Metaform Systems founder and SCA contributor Jim Marino.

  • SCA Extensions for Event Processing and Pub/Sub

    Service Component Architecture (SCA) is a today’s most popular programming model for building applications and systems based on a Service Oriented Architecture. A new “Assembly Model Specification Extensions for Event Processing and Pub/Sub” allows to further extend SCA’s reach in implementation of the event-driven systems.

  • Apache Tuscany Java SCA 2.0 M1 Released

    The Apache Tuscany team announced the release of 2.0 M1 of the Java Service Component Architecture (SCA) project. SCA defines a technology neutral component and assembly model for business application developers to focus on implementing the business logic and composing them into business solutions without worrying about the technology concerns.

  • Complex Event Processing and EDA?

    Complex Event Processing systems and Event Driven Architectures have been identified as playing a larger role in sophisticated systems today and in the future. What that role is and how it is carried out are up for debate.

  • Composing SCA Solutions and SCA’s Approach to Policy and Bindings Presentations

    SCA continues to gain momentum, becoming a dominant SOA programming model adopted by many commercial SOA products. Several recently published presentations explain capabilities, inner working and usage of SCA.

  • Will Sun Add SCA Integration to the Java EE Specification?

    While in the past, the Java community debated over backing SCA or JBI, there are some signs that both of them might be formally incorporated into Java EE 6.

  • Tuscany SCA Java 1.2 and SDO 1.1 released.

    The Apache Tuscany team announced last month the 1.2 release of the Java SCA and 1.1 release of SDO projects. These releases make Tuscany implementation complaint with the main latest SCA specifications, including SCA Assembly Model, SCA Policy framework, SCA Java Common Annotations, SCA EJB, Spring, BPEL and Web Services bindings, etc.

  • SCA and JBI, Best of Both Worlds?

    At JavaOne 2008, Jos Dirksen and Tijs Rademakers talked about using Service Component Architecture (SCA) and Java Business Integration</a> (JBI) frameworks together to get the best of both worlds. Using a sample application, they explained how to deploy an SCA application on a JBI container. In another SCA related session, Mike Edwards gave an overview of SCA architecture model.

  • Strengthening the Alliance Between Java EE and SCA

    The 0.9 draft of the SCA Java EE Integration specification, just published by the Open SOA collaboration, defines the integration of SCA and Java EE within the context of a Java EE application, the use of Java EE components as service component implementations, and the deployment of Java EE archives either within or as SCA contributions.

  • OASIS Symposium: Composability within SOA

    OASIS is going to hold a 3 day symposium on the topic of "Composability within SOA" in Santa Clara, CA from April 28th to April 30th. Engineers and Scientists from vendors and end-user companies will discuss topics including mashups, Service-Oriented Ajax, SCA, BPEL, SDO, BPM, Web Service Transactions, Data Security in SOA, SOA Reference Architecture...

  • Enhanced Manageability with OSGi, SCA, BPEL and Spring

    Ever since the OpenSOA initiative published the white paper entitled: "Power Combination, SCA, OSGi and Spring", the combination of these three technologies has generated some interest. In a recent post, William Vambenepe explores potential new management capabilities for this type of SOA platform.

  • Infiniflow: Next-Generation Distributed Application Server based on OSGi and SCA

    Paremus recently released version 1.2 of Infiniflow, a next-generation distributed application server based on OSGi and SCA. InfoQ spoke with Paremus Marketing Manager Andrew Rowney to learn more about this release and about Infiniflow's new application server model.

  • Apache Tuscany Java 1.1 Released: SCA Meets Web 2.0

    The Apache Tuscany team announced today the 1.1 release of the Java SCA project which adds a number of features including a JMS binding or improved policy support. It also supports an implementation extension for representing client side Javascript applications as SCA components which makes SCA a viable technology to simplify Ajax style implementations using JSONRPC or Atom bindings for instance.

  • Article: Building Asynchronous Services With SCA

    In an InfoQ exclusive article, Mike Edwards discusses how to create asynchronous services within the Service Component Architecture.

  • Component Composition Strategies and Tactics

    With the advent of Spring and the development of the Dependency Injection pattern, Component Technologies have started providing advanced composition mechanisms. In the past month IBM and SAP published related articles exploring the modern strategies and tactics to develop composite business solutions.