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  • Java GUI Testing With JRuby

    GUI testing is a hard and often neglected task. We take a look at two open source solutions for writing SWT and Swing tests, SWTBot and Marathon, and how they can be used from JRuby. We talked to Ketan Padegaonkar (SWTBot) and Dakshinamurthy Karra (Marathon).

  • Presentation: JRuby: Not Just Another JVM Language

    In this presentation from QCon San Francisco 2007, JRuby project lead Charles Nutter discusses the Ruby and JRuby featureset, the JRuby compiler, calling Java from JRuby and vice versa, programming Swing with JRuby, JRuby web applications, JRuby on Rails, persistence, build automation, Test-Driven Development and Behaviour-Driven Development.

  • Interview: Chet Haase discusses Java FX, Update N and JDK 7

    In this interview from QCon San Francisco 2007, former Sun client architect Chet Haase discusses Java SE 6 Update N, the Java Kernel, Java FX, the shift in focus to consumer desktop features in Java 7, and redesigning of applets.

  • JSR 295 Beans Binding Hits 1.0

    Shannon Hickey of Sun recently announced 1.0 of the Beans Binding Framework. This is the reference implementation of JSR 295 and represent a major re-architecture of the Beans Binding API.

  • Book Excerpt and Review: Filthy Rich Clients - Developing Animated and Graphical Effects for Desktop

    InfoQ is privileged to provide both a review and chapter excerpt of the new book Filthy Rich Clients: Developing Animated and Graphical Effects for Desktop Java Applications.

  • Nimbus Look-and-Feel: Vector UIs for Java

    In his announcement that the Nimbus Look-and-Feel (LAF) is nearing completion, Jasper Potts indicated that the Nimbus LAF will be based on vector graphics, with support for high-dpi resolution-independent user interfaces and assembled using a new visual tool for creating painters.

  • Wiki-style GUI Layout with Profligacy and LEL

    Profligacy is a new JRuby based GUI library created by Zed Shaw. It's aimed at tackling the GUI layout problem with LEL, a compact Wiki-like notation for GUI layouts.

  • Three approaches to JRuby GUI APIs

    Ruby already has a host of bindings for various GUI toolkits. JRuby now allows the use of Java's Swing and there are already a few libraries trying to make Swing less tedious to work with. We look at the approaches taken in Profligacy, Cheri, and the JavaFX Script clone Swiby.

  • Sun to Introduce JavaFX Mobile and JavaFX Script

    According to industry publications, Sun is slated to announce JavaFX Script at Tuesday morning's opening JavaOne keynote. JavaFX Script will target desktop, web, and mobile devices.

  • JadeLiquid Software Releases Pure Swing Browser Component Based on Firefox

    JadeLiquid Software has released WebRenderer Swing Edition a pure Swing embedded browser component built upon Mozilla technology. This allows support for features such as Flash, CSS and DHTML without requiring native browser support to be installed on the destination OS.

  • Will dynamic languages save Swing?

    Will dynamic languages save Swing? Does Swing need saving? These questions have been discussed in detail over the last few days with opinions varying from JRuby to Groovy as saving Swing to Swing not needing saving.

  • Beans Binding Update: Scott Violet on JSR 295

    Scott Violet has written an update on the status of JSR 295 (Beans Binding). While externally, there has been little happening since last summer, the expert group has made substantial progress and he posts a small demo and some code.

  • JSR 296 Swing Application Framework Prototype Release

    One of the common developer complaints with Swing since its inception has been where is the application framework. JSR 296 - Swing Application Framework which is attempting to address this issue released its first prototype this week.

  • Easier Swing Threading with SwingWorker

    In a new tutorial John O'Conner walks developers through using SwingWorker, which has been included in the core JRE for the first time with the release of Java 6.

  • How should Java UI's be constructed?

    Prompted by questions from an author of a Swing GUI design tool, lengthy debate was started on the topic of Java visual designers and resource based GUI's versus code generation on TSS and Slashdot. The TSS piece features the debate starting question of should a visually designed UI be binary / XML based or represented as generated Java code.