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InfoQ Homepage TDD Content on InfoQ

  • Metrics-Driven Development

    In this article the author shares his thoughts and experience gathered while working together with DEV teams, trying to make sense of metrics. He introduces the practice of Metrics-Driven-Development: using metrics to drive the entire application development.

  • Virtual Panel: Code-to-Test Ratios, TDD and BDD

    In the last couple of months several online discussions took place about test first or test last, code-to-test ratios or whether BDD is really just TDD. InfoQ asked the opinion of BDD and TDD experts.

  • Feature Injection: three steps to success

    Often Customers provide half baked solutions with no linkage to value. An Agile team needs examples linked to the Business Value they provide. Feature Injection is a process that takes a half baked solution identifies the Business Value it provides and then produces a set of examples driven from that value.

  • Virtual Panel: Specification by Example, Executable Specifications, Scenarios and Feature Injection

    In the last couple of years terms like Specification by Example, Executable Specifications and Feature Injection have showed up quite frequently in the community, often in relation to Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) or tools like Cucumber or SpecFlow. InfoQ have talked to some of the leading experts in this domain about what these practices are and how they relate to BDD.

  • Using Coding Katas, BDD and VS2010 Project Templates: Part 3

    This is the third and final part of the late Jamie Phillip’s exploration into the world of coding kata’s and Behavior Driven Design. This part shows how to incorporate VS 2010 project templates into the testing process.

  • Using Coding Katas, BDD and VS2010 Project Templates: Part 2

    This is the second of a three-part series on how Jamie Phillips used a combination of coding katas, behavior driven development, and project templates to improve his development practices. In this part Jamie introduces the reader to behavior driven development and explains how it can improve the effectiveness of unit testing.

  • Using Coding Katas, BDD and VS2010 Project Templates: Part 1

    This three-part series on using coding katas in practice Behavior Driven Development was written by the late Jamie Phillips, a well-known member of Boston's Agile and .NET communities. When we saw the first draft of this article we were all eager to publish it, but he passed away before we could finish the editing process. With the permission of wife Diana, we proudly present his final work.

  • Introducing the Tellurium Automated Testing Framework

    Jian Fang describes the The Tellurium Automated Testing Framework he created which features a novel approach to automated, referred to as a UI module, to try and improve the often brittle state of automated web UI testing code.

  • The Limits of Agile

    The problems faced by teams that are attempting Agile in non-traditional settings aren't that Agile principles are inapplicable, nor that the feedback cycle is doomed to failure; but rather, outside of a certain Agile sweet-spot there are additional barriers and costs to applying Agile techniques. None of these obstacles prevents Agile in itself but each increases the cost of getting to Agile.

  • A Tester's Learning Journey

    The software industry is changing fast. More and more teams put testing up front and center; they use tests to drive development. In this article, Lisa Crispin talks about how her attitude and curiosity have shaped her career and kept her passion for testing software fresh.

  • Making TDD Stick: Problems and Solutions for Adopters

    Mark Levison observed that, after solid classroom training, teams in larger companies still struggle to adopt TDD. To better understand the problem he surveyed team members. In this article he shares the problems he uncovered and his own comprehensive strategy, designed to help anyone introducing TDD into an organization.

  • Iterative, Automated and Continuous Performance

    Iterative and continuous are terms that are often used in reference to testing of software. This new InfoQ article takes a look at whether the same concepts can be applied to performance tuning. Along the way topics such as tooling and mocks are discuss in regards to how they need to be adjusted for performance in respect to testing for functional requirements.