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InfoQ Homepage TDD Content on InfoQ

  • A Tester's Learning Journey

    The software industry is changing fast. More and more teams put testing up front and center; they use tests to drive development. In this article, Lisa Crispin talks about how her attitude and curiosity have shaped her career and kept her passion for testing software fresh.

  • Making TDD Stick: Problems and Solutions for Adopters

    Mark Levison observed that, after solid classroom training, teams in larger companies still struggle to adopt TDD. To better understand the problem he surveyed team members. In this article he shares the problems he uncovered and his own comprehensive strategy, designed to help anyone introducing TDD into an organization.

  • Iterative, Automated and Continuous Performance

    Iterative and continuous are terms that are often used in reference to testing of software. This new InfoQ article takes a look at whether the same concepts can be applied to performance tuning. Along the way topics such as tooling and mocks are discuss in regards to how they need to be adjusted for performance in respect to testing for functional requirements.

  • Test Driven Development with Visual Studio for Database Professionals

    Developers familiar with Test-Driven Development would like to continue their familiar Red-Green-Refactor cycle even when working with Stored Procedures. Cory Foy shows how to use Visual Studio for Database Professionals and inclusive tools as a framework for performing database unit tests.

  • Book Excerpt: Continuous Integration means Continuous Testing

    Continuous Integration, a basic XP practice, has now become an accepted development best practice. InfoQ presents Chapter 6: Continuous Testing, with advice and examples for writing good tests to ensure system quality, from the book "Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk," which aims help teams make CI a transparent "non-event".

  • Agile, Architecture and the 5am Production Problem

    Can refactoring and unit testing really create robust “working software” that survives the real world? In this story adapted from his book Release It! Michael Nygard contends that "abstractions leak": we need to attend to architecture, even in Agile projects, to guard ourselves against the 5AM failures that occur when foundational abstractions misbehave.

  • Unit-Testing XML

    There are many occasions where software creates XML output: XML documents are used for data interchange between different applications, web application create (X)HTML output or respond to AJAX requests with XML, and this has to be tested as much as anything else. In this article, Stefan Bodewig explains how to perform those tests with the XMLUnit framework he has co-authored.

  • TDD with Selenium and Castle

    Dan Bunea shows developers how TDD can be applied in .NET using Selenium RC and Castle. Test first principals provide architects a way to quickly jump into active development early in the application development lifecycle. The benefits of TDD are a drastic reduction in defects as well as increased flexibility in the code base since the application evolves quickly through an iterative process.

  • Case Study: Targeted Practice Adoption using Patterns

    It's easy to forget what originally motivated us, once we're implementing Agile. Teams spin, trying to figure out which practices to start with, unsure which will have the biggest impact, or how they fit together. Amr Elssamadisy and John Mufarrige propose a customized adoption approach to help teams decide where to focus first - an alternative to adoption of pre-packaged methodologies.

  • Adopting Agile Development Practices: Using Patterns to Share our Experiences

    Agile adoption often proves challenging. Participants at a recent OpenSpace event focused on the dynamics of adoption rather than the structure that results from adoption. The resulting patterns are part of an effort to compile Agile adoption patterns answering: "What specific practices should I adopt?", "How can I adopt incrementally?" and "Where can I expect pitfalls?"

  • Experience Report: Agile Development Apprenticeship at NMHU

    During the 2004-2005 academic year, Pam Rostal and Dave West ran a unique work-study degree program at New Mexico Highlands University: 20 students using Agile practices to execute real world projects. This story shows what can happen when education goes beyond the ordinary: when people are encouraged to strive for mastery and taught the thinking tools to do so.

  • Testing Ajax Applications with Selenium

    The Selenium develompent team briefly introduces Selenium, a web acceptance testing tool, and shows how to test Ajax applications with waitForXxxx Selenium commands, as well as how to test a simple Ajax effect - an asynchronous text update - with Selenium.