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  • Parse Adds New Schema API and API Console

    Parse has announced its new Schema API, which allows to programmatically manipulate the database schema used by an app, and the Parse API Console, which aims to make it easier to use Parse REST API without writing any code.

  • Microsoft Project Oxford Aims to Bring Intelligence to Apps

    Under the name of Project Oxford, Microsoft has made available a set of RESTful APIs that aim to make it possible for developers to build apps that feature face recognition, speech processing, and other machine learning algorithms. Part of the Azure portfolio, the new APIs are currently in beta and free to use up to 5,000 call per month.

  • AnyPresence Launches a New API Platform for Mobile and IoT Developers

    AnyPresence, one of the leading MBaaS players has launched JustAPIs, a platform for building and deploying RESTful APIs.

  • 5 Design Principles for System Configuration

    Popular configuration mechanisms like conf.d pose multiple problems when trying to converge system configuration using configuration management tools. Ish-Shalom proposes five design principles for configuration that prevent those problems. The core ideas being the use of a configuration API and the separation of configurations based on the type of system updates they require.

  • Effektif Open Sources BPM Software with an Emphasis on Developers

    Business process management software provider Effektif today announced the open sourcing of their workflow engine. The new model allows developers to include Effektif workflows from within their applications via Java and REST APIs

  • What is so Special about Microservices? An Interview with Mark Little

    Mark Little discusses the anatomy of microservices, how they can be used, and why you may want to temper your enthusiasm to get them to production.

  • Udi Dahan on Defining Service Boundaries

    Udi Dahan, a SOA consultant, held the presentation Finding Service Boundaries – Illustrated in Healthcare at NDC London 2014, providing advice on establishing the service boundaries in a SOA or microservice architecture.

  • RESTier: A New Framework for Building OData Services

    The Microsoft OData Team has made available the preview version of RESTier, a middleware development framework for building OData 4.0 RESTful APIs. RESTier is based on ASP.NET Web API.

  • Restlet 2.3 Released, Featuring Java 7, SPDY and CORS Support

    Restlet has released version 2.3 of its Restlet Framework. This release is largely an effort to update the project's dependencies and to improve its API documentation and management. Restlet has been developing a comprehensive API platform with Restlet Studio (a web IDE for building APIs), APISpark (a PaaS for building API's), as well as Restlet Framework (its open source offering.)

  • New and Interesting on ThoughtWorks Radar Jan 2015

    ThoughtWorks has published a digital preview of the January 2015 radar, providing opinion on techniques, tools, platforms and languages and taking a snapshot of the current trends in software technology.

  • What is the Web?

    Mark Nottingham, chair of the HTTP Working Group, asks the question What is the Web? As he mentions, this simple question has some complex and perhaps unexpected answers depending upon your perspective. A common approach would be to say that it has to be rooted in the Web browser, but that has some interesting consequences, not all of which are useful for non-browser stakeholders.

  • IBM, Databricks, GraphLab Present Notebooks as Unified Interfaces for Building Prediction Apps

    At the StrataHadoop conference in Barcelona last week, Rod Smith, Vice President of the IBM Emerging Internet Technologies organization, presented work on an internal product they have been developing in their consulting work with clients that integrates data sources, and data analysis.

  • Apache Camel 2.14: Java 8, Spring 4, REST DSL and Metrics

    The Apache Camel team recently released version 2.14, their 66th release. Camel is an open-source integration framework that provides components based on the popular enterprise integration patterns. It allows an application to define route and mediation rules in many domain-specific languages (DSLs), for example with Java, XML, Groovy and Scala.

  • Martin Thompson Discusses the Reactive Manifesto 2.0

    The second version of the Reactive Manifesto was announced at September's GOTO conference in Aarhus. Martin Thompson discusses the need for a revised version of the Manifesto and what its changes mean for the burgeoning reactive community.

  • MySQL Offers a REST API

    A prototype of MySQL 5.7 is shipping with an optional component called the MySQL HTTP Plugin. This plugin allows direct access to MySQL via a REST over HTTP interface, eliminating the need for a middle-tier server or database specific drivers.