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InfoQ Homepage Akka Content on InfoQ

  • An Introduction to Actor Model, with Examples in Akka

    For developers who have experienced the problems with creating and managing multithreaded applications and are looking for a higher level of abstraction, Arun Manivannan has written a series of, so far, six blog posts explaining the principles of Actor model using an picture-rich visualization and some simple Akka examples.

  • Building a Reactive Process Manager Using Actor Model

    Vaughn Vernon describes a reactive process manager supervising the process of finding the best loan quotes from banks with a focus on the reactive part, using Actor model for the implementation with examples written in Scala using Akka and C# using his recently published Dotsero toolkit.

  • Experiences Building a Reactive Event-Driven CQRS Application

    CQRS and Event Sourcing provide a clear and concise way to build distributed applications that adhere to the reactive manifesto, Duncan DeVore claimed in a recent presentation sharing his experiences building a distributed application using Akka and Scala.

  • .NET Actor Model Implementations Differ in Approach

    Last week Vaughn Vernon published Dotsero, a .NET actor model toolkit that follows the Akka API and earlier this year a preview of the Orleans framework based on the Actor model was released by Microsoft Research. In a recent twitter discussion Vaughn and Sergey Bykov, lead of the Orleans project at Microsoft Research, discussed the different approaches taken in Orleans and Dotsero.

  • Building a Reactive DDD and CQRS Based Application Using Akka

    DDD and CQRS are great for building scalable software considering concepts like bounded contexts, transaction boundaries and event based communication and is together with Akka a complete platform for building enterprise applications, Pawel Kaczor starts a three-part series building an reactive application based on these concepts.

  • Scalability in a Reactive World

    We have to maximize locality of reference and minimize contention to make systems scale, Jonas Bonér, creator of the Akka project, stated in a recent presentation about scalability in reactive systems. By using a share nothing architecture, build on an event-driven foundation and adhering to core principles that have been proven to work for ages we can write really scalable systems.

  • Akka Actors vs. Java EJBs from a High-Level Concurrency Perspective

    There are both commonalities and some differences when comparing architectural principles and coding styles in Akka Actors and Java EE 7 Enterprise JavaBeans, specifically stateless session beans and JMS message-driven beans, Dr Gerald Loeffler concludes in a recent introductory talk when explaining and comparing the three approaches from a high-level concurrency view.

  • Reactive Programming as an Emerging Trend

    Reactive programming (RP) is based on data flows and the propagation of change, with the underlying execution model of a programming language automatically propagating changes through the data flow. With the popularity of event-driven, scalable, and interactive architectures both on the server and the client, the concept of  “reactiveness” is increasingly gaining attention.

  • Scala & Akka Creators Launch Typesafe Company for Multicore and Cloud Architectures

    Scala creator Martin Odersky joined forces with Jonas Bonér, the creater of Akka, and launched Typesafe. With $3 million Series A financing led by Greylock Partners, Typesafe offers commercial support for enterprise development of multicore and cloud architectures.

  • Akka Reaches 1.0 Status: Brings the Actor Model to Java and Scala

    Project lead Jonas Bonér has announced today that Akka has reached its 1.0 milestone. InfoQ spoke to Bonér to find out more about the project.

  • Akka - Simpler Scalability, Fault-Tolerance, Concurrency & Remoting through Actors

    Today, the Akka team released version 0.7 of their actors framework for the Java Virtual Machine. Akka attempts to address future concurrency challenges with a solution relying on message based actors, software transactional memory and appropriate fault handling strategies. InfoQ talked to Jonas Bonér about the intent behind Akka, its current state and adoption, and future plans.