InfoQ Homepage Clojure/West Content on InfoQ
VMFest: Wrapping VirtualBox to Speedup Dev and Test Since 2010
Antoni Batchelli introduces VMFest, a PalletOps project used to turn VirtualBox into a lightweight cloud provider, good for developing cloud automation.
RxJava in Clojure
Dave Ray explains using RxJava in Clojure for building non-blocking "Observable APIs" and efficiently compose asynchronous flows together using functional reactive operators.
CLJ Mook: a Lightweight HTTP Testing Tool
Craig Brozefsky introduces clj-mook which provides a session abstraction for client interactions with a web application based on clj-http, a handful of threading macros, JSoup, and a couple of maps.
How to Sneak Clojure Into Your Rails Shop
Joshua Ballanco introduces Immutant, Immutant Overlay, HornetQ and OpenShift to Ruby and Rails developers.
How Erlang Can Help You Become a Better Clojure Developer
Reid Draper discusses lessons learned from Erlang that can be applied to Clojure (lighting talk).
Hugo Duncan introduces Pallet, a DevOps Clojure tool for provisioning and automating cloud server instances. (Lighting talk.)
A Shorter Path from Clojure to ClojureScript
Roman Gonzalez and Tavis Rudd discuss techniques for shortening the ClojureScript development cycle by using the same codebase for clj and cljs and automatically running tests on the JVM.
Concatenative Clojure
Brandon Bloom introduces Factor and demonstrates Factjor –concatenative DSL - and DomScript –DOM library written in ClojureScript - in the context of concatenative programming.
Ritz, The Missing Clojure Tooling
Hugo Duncan introduces Ritz, a set of tools for debugging, inspecting, project reloading, with codeq and lein integration, showing how to use it with nrepl.el in Emacs.
Racket: Metaprogramming Time!
Matthew Flatt introduces Racket, an extensible programming language useful to create new syntactic forms and construct entirely new programming languages.
Piplin – A DSL for Describing Silicon in Clojure
David Greenberg introduces Piplin, a DSL that allows a subset of Clojure to be automatically converted into a hardware description, which can then be placed onto an FPGA or made into a silicon chip.