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  • Multi-Cloud Observability Using Fluent Bit

    Explore the benefits and challenges of observability in multi-cloud deployments. See how Fluent Bit, a lightweight log collection and distribution tool, can enhance multi-cloud observability by improving cloud neutrality, cutting egress costs, and tackling compliance challenges.

  • Architecting for High Availability in the Cloud with Cellular Architecture

    Cellular architecture is a design pattern that helps achieve high availability in multi-tenant applications. The goal is to design your application so that you can deploy all of its components into an isolated "cell" that is fully self-sufficient. It can benefit your customers regarding availability and ensure you hit your SLAs.

  • AWS Lambda under the Hood

    Mike Danilov, a senior principal engineer at AWS, presented on AWS Lambda and what is under the hood during QCon San Francisco 2023. This article represents the talk, which will start with an introduction to Lambda itself to outline the key concepts of the service and its fundamentals, which will facilitate a deep dive into the understanding of the system.

  • The Hidden Cost of Using Managed Databases

    The rising popularity of managed relational databases brings hidden costs, and informed decisions are crucial for optimal use. This article shows the importance of monitoring service expenses, revising default settings, and understanding operational constraints, considering limitations like reduced flexibility and observability.

  • A Primer on Idempotence for AWS Serverless Architecture

    Understand idempotence in AWS serverless, tackling challenges from at-least-once delivery. Implement and automate with AWS Lambda, emphasizing early planning for consistent outcomes. Use tools like Lambda Powertools and prioritize testing for reliability.

  • Understanding Architectures for Multi-Region Data Residency

    This article focuses on implementing data residency strategies for a positive stakeholder experience. It underscores the need to diversify data locations, driven by motivations like disaster recovery and geo-redundancy. The core principle is data distribution, ensuring specific sets reside in distinct regions without overlap - a practice termed data residency.

  • Cloud-Computing in the Post-Serverless Era: Current Trends and beyond

    Discover the evolution of cloud-computing in the post-serverless era, with a shift towards hyper-specialized vertical multi-cloud services and a trend moving from Infrastructure as Code to Composition as Code. Microservices are being redefined in the cloud landscape and upcoming cloud services are set to be rich in constructs.

  • Beyond API Compatibility: Understanding the Full Impact of Breaking Changes

    In this article, we address the most contentious and misinterpreted parts of the SemVer standard, i.e backward compatibility and breaking changes. With the proliferation of SaaS APIs for Generative AI continuing, now is a good time for a retrospection on what constitutes a breaking change and how you can trade off backward compatibility and upgradability with modernization and iterability.

  • Orchestrating Resilience Building Modern Asynchronous Systems

    In this article, we will discuss what problems we had to solve at Twilio to efficiently build a resilient and scalable asynchronous system to handle a complex workflow and the advantages we got from adopting a Workflow Orchestration solution, including abstracting away state management and out-of-the-box support for retries, observability, and audibility.

  • From Dependency to Autonomy: Building an In-House E-signing Service

    While many companies rely on third-party services, there’s a growing realization that an in-house solution can offer more control, flexibility, and cost savings. In this article, we’ll delve into how to build an e-signing microservice.

  • Distributed Transactions at Scale in Amazon DynamoDB

    Amazon DynamoDB supports transactions without sacrificing performance or availability. Akshat Vig explains how DynamoDB introduced TransactGetItems and TransactWriteItems for atomic operations, proving full ACID support in distributed transactions.

  • Domain-Driven Cloud: Aligning Your Cloud Architecture to Your Business Model

    Domain-Driven Cloud (DDC) is an approach for creating your organization’s cloud architecture based on your business model. Based on Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and the architecture principle of high cohesion and low coupling, this article introduces DDC including the technical and human benefits of aligning your cloud architecture to the bounded contexts in your business model.