InfoQ Homepage Columnar Databases Content on InfoQ
Change Data Capture for Distributed Databases @Netflix
Raghuram Onti Srinivasan covers the challenges associated with capturing CDC events from Cassandra, discussing the Flink ecosystem and the use of RocksDB.
Delivering the Power of Data Using Spring Cloud Data Flow and DataStax Enterprise Cassandra NoSQL Database
Gilbert Lau and Wayne Lund talk about using SCDF on PCF for microservice scaling and pipelining data into Cassandra.
Taming Distributed Stateful Pets with Kubernetes
Matthew Bates,James Munnelly explain how to use StatefulSet and dynamic volume provisioning to manage the lifecycle of distributed and secure Cassandra clusters with the open source project Navigator.
Applied Distributed Research in Apache Cassandra
Jonathan Ellis explains the challenges and successes Cassandra has had in creating transactions, materialized views, and a strongly consistent cluster membership within this peer-to-peer paradigm.
Real-Time Recommendations Using Spark Streaming
Elliot Chow discusses the data pipeline that they built with Kafka, Spark Streaming, and Cassandra to process Netflix user activities in real time for the Trending Now row.
Sneek Peek at Spring Data Cassandra
Mark Paluch and John Blum present the changes in Spring Data Cassandra and what to expect from the upcoming version.
Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise on PCF
Ben Lackey and Cornelia Davis start with the use cases for on-demand, dedicated DSE clusters, cover the solution design, and demo the system, touching also the support that Spring has for Cassandra.
Rethinking Streaming Analytics for Scale
Helena Edelson addresses new architectures emerging for large scale streaming analytics based on Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra and Kafka (SMACK) or Apache Flink or GearPump.
Lightning Fast Cluster Computing with Spark and Cassandra
Piotr Kołaczkowski discusses how they integrated Spark with Cassandra, how it was done, how it works in practice and why it is better than using a Hadoop intermediate layer.
How SoundCloud Uses Cassandra
Emily Green is taking a look at how SoundCloud uses Cassandra. She describes a couple of Cassandra instances, from the point of view of the products and functionality they support.
Efficient Data Storage for Analytics with Parquet 2.0
Julien Le Dem discusses the advantages of a columnar data layout, specifically the features and design choices Apache Parquet uses to achieve goals of interoperability, space and query efficiency.
NoSQL Is Dead
Eric Redmond explains the differences and commonalities amongst many kinds of databases and takes a stab at the marketing term “NoSQL.”