InfoQ Homepage Data Analytics Content on InfoQ
Autonomous Analytics: Driving the Future of Data in Business Analytics
Autonomous data analytics will be the driver of business analytics in the future. and will be seamlessly integrated into our lives. John Thuma, from Arcadia Data, spoke at Enterprise Data World 2019 Conference in Boston about self-driving analytics.
Microsoft Announces New Azure Analytics Services ADLS, ADX and More
Microsoft has announced the general availability of two new Azure analytics services - Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS) and Azure Data Explorer (ADX). Furthermore, Microsoft also announced the preview of Azure Data Factory Mapping Data Flow.
Uber Introduces AresDB: GPU-Powered, Open-Source, Real-Time Analytics Engine
Uber recently introduced AresDB, an open-source real-time analytics engine leveraging an unconventional power source - graphics processing units (GPUs) - for meeting the growing demands of analysis at scale and at the same time unifying, simplifying and improving Uber’s existing solutions.
Agile Data Modeling for NoSQL Databases
Pascal Desmarets recently spoke at Data Architecture Summit 2018 Conference about agile modeling and best practices for NoSQL databases.
A Team's Transformation from Software Development to ML: Golestan Radwan at QCon NY
As companies start to add Big Data and Machine Learning initiatives to their project portfolios, they face several challenges including the teams' transition from software engineering to data engineering and machine learning. Golestan "Sally" Radwan spoke at QCon New York 2018 Conference about her experience in leading a traditional software engineering team on a machine learning/AI journey.
Distributed Messaging Framework Apache Pulsar 2.0 Supports Schema Registry and Topic Compaction
The latest version of open-source distributed pub-sub messaging framework Apache Pulsar enables companies to move “beyond batch” by acting on data in motion. Streamlio recently announced the availability of Apache Pulsar 2.0 streaming messaging solution. The new version supports Pulsar Functions, Schema Registry and Topic Compaction.
eBay's Accelerator Data Processing Framework Provides Parallel Execution and Live Recommendations
eBay's Accelerator data processing framework provides parallel execution and automatic organization of source code, input data, and results. It can be used for data analysis, and algorithm development, as well as a live recommendation system.
PayPal's Gimel Analytics Platform Provides Unified Data API and GSQL
Romit Mehta and Deepak Chandramouli from PayPal spoke at the recent Conference about Gimel data analytics platform and how it can be used to commoditize data access. InfoQ spoke with Mehta and Chandramouli about the data platform and its support in the areas of security,
Fighting Financial Fraud with Machine Learning at Airbnb
Airbnb, the online marketplace that matches people who rent out their homes with people who are looking for a place to stay, uses machine learning (ML) techniques to fight financial fraud. They use targeted friction to battle the chargebacks while minimizing impact to good guests using their online reservation system.
XebiaLabs Announce DevOps Intelligence Engine
XebiaLabs, the developers of Continuous Delivery and DevOps tooling XL Release and XL Deploy, has announced availability of the first release of XL Impact, a goal-based, data-driven recommendation and decision making tool for DevOps organisations. XebiaLabs claims this is the first tool of its kind and the capability is essential for organisations to prove DevOps performance improvements.
Confluent Releases KSQL, a Distributed Streaming SQL Engine for Apache Kafka
Confluent released KSQL: interactive, distributed streaming SQL engine for Apache Kafka. KSQL supports stream processing operations like aggregations, joins, windowing, and sessionization on topics in Apache Kafka. Confluent announced the open source streaming SQL engine at the recent Kafka Summit conference.
Microsoft Updates AI Services and Tools for Data Scientists and Developers
At the recent Ignite conference, Microsoft released several updates related to its Artificial Intelligence (AI) services and tools. These updates include the release of the Azure ML Experimentation service, Azure ML Model Management service, Azure ML Workbench and the general availability of Microsoft Cognitive Services.
Q&A with Andrew Brust of Datameer Regarding Big Data's Role in AI
Rags Srinivas talks to Datameer's Andrew Brust about the larger role of Big Data in AI and how it's operationalized with SmartAI.
Microsoft Updates Azure IoT Platform: Adds Connectivity, Time Series Insights and Edge Analytics
Microsoft has recently made some announcements regarding their Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities within Azure. Microsoft’s news includes adding a new service called Azure Time Series Insights, additional connectivity platform support for OPC UA/DA and Azure Stream Analytic support on edge devices. In addition, Microsoft also announced a new SaaS-based IoT Solution called Azure IoT Central.
Data Preparation Pipelines: Strategy, Options and Tools
Data preparation is an important aspect of data processing and analytics use cases. Business analysts and data scientists spend about 80% of their time gathering and preparing the data rather than analyzing it or developing machine learning models. Kelly Stirman spoke last week at Enterprise Data World 2017 Conference about the data preparation best practices.