InfoQ Homepage Database Design Content on InfoQ
Aviran Mordo on Scaling Wix, Choosing Between MySQL and NoSQL, Scala
Aviran Mordo explains the service oriented architecture behind web hoster WiX, when to choose MySQL vs NoSQL products, introducing Scala, and much more.
Erik Meijer on Big Data, Types of Data Stores and Reactive Programming
Erik Meijer explains the various aspects needed to categorise data stores, how reactive programming fits in with databases, the return to data transformation, denotational semantics, and much more.
Robert Winch on Spring Security and Multi-Tenant Applications on the Cloud
In this interview recorded at QCon NY 2012 Conference, Spring Security project lead Robert Winch discusses the new features of Spring Security 3.1 version and design strategies for multi-tenant cloud applications.
Ken Little on Scaling Tumblr
Ken Little talks about scaling Tumblr to keep up with their blogging users: scaling the data model, sharding, their PHP frontend and the Scala backend, and much more.
Stuart Halloway on Datomic, Clojure, Reducers
Stuart Halloway explains Datomic, programming transactional behavior with Datomic, Datalog and logic programming, programming with values, Clojure Reducers and much more.
Rich Hickey on Datomic: Datalog, Databases, Persistent Data Structures
Rich Hickey explains the ideas behind the Datomic database: why Datalog is used as the query language, the functional programming concepts at its core, the role of time in the DB and much more.
Attila Szegedi on JVM and GC Performance Tuning at Twitter
Attila Szegedi talks about performance tuning Java and Scala programs at Twitter: how to approach GC problems, the importance of asynchronous I/O, when to use MySQL/Cassandra/Redis, and much more.
Hadoop and NoSQL in a Big Data Environment
Ron Bodkin of Big Data Analytics discusses early adoption of Hadoop, NoSQL and big data technologies. He discusses common patterns and explains how developers can write low-level primitives to optimize MapReduce function. Other topics include Hive, Pig, multi tenancy, and security.
Costin Leau on Spring Data, Spring Hadoop and Data Grid Patterns
In this interview recorded at JavaOne 2011 Conference, Spring Hadoop project lead Costin Leau talks about the current state and upcoming features of Spring Data and Spring Hadoop projects. He also talks about the Caching and Data Grid architecture patterns.
Justin Sheehy and Damien Katz on Riak and CouchDB
Justin Sheehy and Damien Katz discuss Riak and CouchDB, the strengths and trade-offs of different approaches to NoSQL, and why both databases are written in Erlang.
Randy Shoup on Evolvable Systems
Randy Shoup discusses evolvable systems: how to run different versions of a system in parallel during migrations, decoupling a system with events, schemas at eBay and much more.
Emil Eifrem on Neo4j and Graph Databases
Emil Eifrem explains graph databases, what domains they fit well, and the state of Neo4j. Also: how graph databases stack up against RDBMs.