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  • Modeling Complex Data Structure in Golang Using Pointers, References, and Reverse Indices

    Understanding pointers and references in Go can be challenging for many developers, especially those new to low-level programming languages. In this article, I’ll walk you through a program that leverages Go pointers and references to solve a real-world use case: a graph-based permission system.

  • What's New in PHP 8.3

    PHP 8.3 is the latest major update in the PHP 8.x series. In addition to performance improvements, it brings a wealth of new features, including amendments to the readonly feature introduced in PHP 8.1; explicitly-typed class constants; a new #[\Override] attribute for methods intended to be overridden from a superclass, and more.

  • Article Series: PHP 8.x

    PHP continues to be one of the most widely used scripting languages on the web with 77.3% of all the websites whose server-side programming language is known using it according to w3tech. PHP 8 brings many new features and other improvements, which we shall explore in this article series.

  • PHP 8 - Type System Improvements

    In this article we will discuss extensions to the PHP type system introduced in PHP 8, 8.1, and 8.2. Those include union, intersection, and mixed types, as well as the static and never return types. Additionally, PHP 8 also brings support for true, null, and false stand-alone types.

  • PHP 7 – Standard Library Improvements

    In this article we explore improvements to functions in PHP 7, including the new array define(), returning a value from generator functions, generator delegation, and more.

  • No Starch Press' Python Playground Review and Q&A with the Author

    No Starch Press’ Python Playground provides a fairly large and varied collection of projects that aim to show how Python can be used in such different contexts as creating ASCII art, birds simulation, interfacing to Raspberry Pi, and more. InfoQ has spoken to the book’s author, Mahesh Venkitachalam.

  • From Imperative to Functional and Back-Monads are for Functional Languages

    Grafting Functional Programming's approach of monadic composition onto imperative languages yields the worst of both worlds. And the only reason for importing the PFP abstraction is due to a flaw in that most basic concurrency abstract, the thread; a flaw that can be easily rectified by the introduction of fibers.

  • What's new in iOS 9: Swift and Objective-C

    In this article, we are going to examine new features added to iOS and OS X El Capitan main programming languages: the recently open sourced Swift, which extends pattern matching syntax, adds feature availability and protocol extension, and overhauls error handing; Objective-C, with new interoperability features as generic collections.