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  • JPA 2.2 Brings Some Highly Anticipated Changes

    Released this past summer, JPA 2.2 delivered some frequently requested enhancements, especially by providing better alignment with Java 8 features, such as support for the Date and Time API and the retrieval of a query result as a Stream.

  • ActiveJPA – Active Record Pattern for JPA

    ActiveJPA is a Java implementation of Martin Fowler’s Active Record pattern that wraps around JPA and provides useful abstractions to simplify data access. With ActiveJPA, models themselves act as a DAO and interact with the database without requiring additional code for the DAL. In this article the primary committer discusses ActiveJPA and provides plenty of usage examples.

  • Don’t jump the SQL ship just yet

    The SQL language has been evolving steadily over the last two decades. At the same time, the verbosity caused by the JDBC API in Java client code and the lack of first class SQL support within the Java language have led to the introduction of ORMs such as Hibernate, which was later standardised into JPA and the Criteria API.If SQL and JPA are diverging, where will our data interaction patterns go?

  • Scala & Spring: Combine the best of both worlds

    Based on a concrete example with Scala, Spring and JPA the article explains how to enhance Spring with Scala’s powerful concepts such as implicit conversions and traits. Moreover, it shows how the gap between a Java based framework and Scala can smoothly be bridged.

  • Java Object Persistence: State of the Union

    In this virtual panel, the editors of (Floyd Marinescu) and (Roberto V. Zicari) asked a group of leading persistence solution architects their views on the current state of the union in persistence in the Java community.

  • Software Testing With Spring Framework

    Srini & Kavitha Penchikala provide an overview of the support provided by Spring framework in the areas of unit and integration testing. I will use a sample loan processing web application to help the readers in implementing an Agile Testing framework in a typical Java EE application and how to use Spring test classes to test the application functionality.

  • An Update on Spring 2.0 Final

    Spring 2.0 was initially supposed to come out in June/July, why the delay? InfoQ interviewed the Spring team - based on massive community feedback, the team has chosen to delay the launch to Sept 26th in order work on asynchronous JMS capabilities, JPA, the new JSP form tag library, OSGi integration, documentation, and backwards compatibility.