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  • Variations on New Normal for Workplaces

    Over the last year office work has shifted to almost completely remote, and as vaccination programs roll out around the world it is shifting again. There is a lot of speculation around what the new normal will look like. Employee well-being, flexibility in working arrangements, availability creep, virtual and augmented reality are all factors impacting what work could look like going forward.

  • Advice on Overcoming Zoom Fatigue

    Recent studies by Stanford and Microsoft point to the reality of “Zoom Fatigue” - the physiological and psychological tiredness caused by back to back virtual meetings. Both studies explore reasons for the tiredness and present advice on reducing the impact.

  • Meetings in a Time of Separation

    Having many people in virtual meetings can lead to people who only partly attend and become disengaged. We should question who should be attending the meeting and make information from the meeting available for those who decide not to attend to decrease meeting FOMO.

  • Articulating Leadership through Nemawashi and Collaborative Boards

    High performance teams don’t need to be managed, but led. Collaborative boards is where leadership and teams meet to align direction and initiatives. Nemawashi can be used to separate conversations from meetings. Fernando Guigou spoke about articulating leadership using an approach that he calls ZenSum at Agile Tour London 2020.

  • Mozilla Launches Hubs Cloud

    Mozilla’s Mixed Reality group launches a cloud version of Mozilla Hubs, their social space for virtual reality gatherings. Organisations can now deploy and customize their own instance of Mozilla Hubs. It is available on the AWS Marketplace and manages all necessary AWS resources. Mozilla Hubs allows people to meet in a 3D environment, or join using a computer or a virtual reality device.

  • Successful Remote Working

    For both employees and employers, remote work requires intentional design and implementation to be effective. People find remote work challenging because the established mindset says that being in an office is how work gets done. Despite the challenges, when remote work is done well, the advantages to employees and employer are sufficient to make it worthwhile.

  • What Tech for Good is and Why it Matters

    Tech for Good groups provide opportunities to connect with people who share a positive vision of the future and look for ways to use technology in order to have a positive impact. Ellen Ward spoke about Tech for Good Dublin at Women in Tech Dublin 2019; she presented what Tech for Good looks like in reality, why it matters, and how people can get involved.

  • A Brief History of High-Performing Teams by Jessica Kerr

    If you're looking for an early example of a high-performing, agile team, then study the Florentine Camerata, a group formed in Florence, Italy, around 1580 that reformed their contemporary music with the creation of opera. The lessons of the camerata, and similar teams throughout history, were the subject of Jessica Kerr's keynote presentation at Explore DDD 2018.