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  • Increasing Team and Individual Motivation with the Motivational Diagnostic

    Being motivated can make a positive difference to both our engagement and our success in the workplace. The same is true of teams - a motivated team is much more likely to be engaged at work and achieve results. The motivation diagnostic tool helps people understand more about how motivated they feel, and the factors that are contributing towards that motivation or demotivation.

  • Software Testing through the Lens of Energy Management

    I’m a software tester who observed that certain activities were getting me excited, while other simpler, shorter activities were draining and took a lot longer to get me motivated enough to even pick them up . This article is an experience report of how I discovered my personal energy system and  superimposed it on a video game model, which also applies to the world of software testing.

  • Hidden Habits Killing Your Remote Team’s Ability to Collaborate Effectively

    Some habits carried over from in-person work continue to damage collaboration and engagement for hybrid and remote teams. By not addressing these habits, teams are experiencing deteriorating morale, lack of trust and connection required for meaningful collaboration. Here are four examples of habits leaders can address today to build more connected, engaged and innovative teams.

  • Q&A on the Book Managing the Unmanageable

    The book Managing the Unmanageable by Mickey W. Mantle and Ron Lichty provides rules, tools, and insights to manage programmers and teams. It explores how to hire and develop programmers, onboard new hires quickly and successfully, and build and nurture highly effective and productive teams.

  • Agile Productivity: Willpower and the Neuroscience Approach

    Productivity depends on the ability to concentrate and to keep that concentration long enough to advance towards your goals and get results. This article explores three strategies to save willpower energy and increase the ability to concentrate, and shows what pieces of Scrum work for which of the three strategies to increase productivity.

  • Peopleware 2015 - An Interview with Bradley Scott of Xero

    At the Agile New Zealand conference Bradley Scott gave a talk on Peopleware 2015 in which he explained the management structures, policies and approaches Xero has used to support its agile transition. He discussed how they worked and presented some ideas on the future of management. After the talk he spoke to InfoQ about his ideas.

  • The World is One Family - Why That Matters for Software Corporations and Professionals

    Rev. C. L. Gulati of Sant Nirankari Mission presented the opening keynote on the conference theme – Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – The World is one family, at the Regional Scrum Gathering South Asia 2015. Kamlesh Ravlani, one of the volunteer event organizers, spoke with him about this philosophy, its implications for global organizations and why the software community should care about it.

  • Q and A on The Scrum Culture

    Dominik Maximini researched the cultural aspects of organizations that are using Scrum. He published the findings of his research, together with principles for implementing Scrum and suggestions on how to apply these principles and a case study of a Scrum transformation, in the book The Scrum Culture.

  • Creating a Creative and Innovative Culture at Scale

    King Digital Entertainment needs to foster a creative and innovative culture with engaged and motivated people to create fun games. They have established an environment with freedom and trust, with space for experiments, exploration, and learning, to make people happy. Experiments and lessons from the engineering organization showing continuous improvement of HR-related processes and topics.

  • Increasing Enterprise Agility and Agile Innovation

    An interview with Brad Murphy about how traditional management can lead to disengaged employees, why scaling is more than scaling teams, diagnosing the health of organizations and approaches for enterprises that want to adopt agile and become more innovative.

  • Author Q&A – The Lean Mindset by Tom and Mary Poppendieck

    The Lean Mindset is a collection of research results and case studies from companies applying lean in product development and delivery. A lean mindset according to Mary and Tom Poppendieck is about “developing the expertise to ask the right questions, solve the right problems, and do the right thing in the situation at hand”.