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Yan Cui on Graph Databases for Modeling Game Economies, Actors and DSLs with F#
Yan Cui talks about the advantages of using F# to build DSLs and using the actor model. Also: why and how to use graph databases to model (game) economies.
Ian Robinson on Neo4j's History, Data Structure and Use Cases
Ian Robinson talks to Charles Humble about the history of Neo4J, it's data structure, and use cases such as recommendation engines, network impact analysis, route finding and fraud detection.
Emil Eifrem on NoSQL, Graph Databases, and Neo4j
Emil Eifrem looks back at the history of Neo4j, an open-source, NoSQL graph database supported by Neo Technology. He describes some real world applications of graphs, domain modelling with graphs, and compares the performance of graph and relational databases. He also examines how Neo4j differs from other NoSQL and graph databases in the market and describes various Neo4j licensing options.
Ian Robinson discusses Service Evolution and Neo4J Feature Design
Ian Robinson discusses Neo4J's design choices for data storage and retrieval, CRUD operations, transactions, graph traversal and searches and HA deployment strategies. He also shares his thoughts on hypermedia controls and the concept of consumer driven contracts for continuous evolution of services.
Michael Hunger on Spring Data Neo4j, Graph Databases, Cypher Query Language
In this interview, Michael Hunger talks about the evolution of persistence technologies over the last decade, the emergence of NoSQL databases, and looks at where graph databases fit in. He describes the goals behind the Spring Data Neo4j project, it's latest developments, and examines Cypher, a humane and declarative query language for graphs.
Jim Webber on Neo4J and Graph Database Use Cases
In this interview recorded at QCon NY 2012 Conference, Jim Webber from Neo Technology discusses the Graph database ecosystem, graph use cases, and tools for developing applications using Neo4j graph database.
Big Data Architecture at LinkedIn
In this interview at QCon London, LinkedIn’s Sid Anand discusses the problems they face when serving high-traffic, high-volume data. Sid explains how they’re moving some use cases from Oracle to gain headroom, and lifts the hood on their open source search and data replication projects, including Kafka, Voldemort, Espresso and Databus.
Emil Eifrem on Neo4j and Graph Databases
Emil Eifrem explains graph databases, what domains they fit well, and the state of Neo4j. Also: how graph databases stack up against RDBMs.
Inside SpringSource with Rod Johnson
In this interview conducted at the SpringOne 2GX conference, Rod Johnson talks about the new advancements SpringSource is bringing to the enterprise Java space, including new cloud options. Johnson discusses open-source Java in general, including the flap over the direction of OpenJDK and Apache Harmony. And he delves into the new Code2Cloud effort from SpringSource and Tasktop, and much more.