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Cloud Foundry Foundation
Pivotal have announced ‘moves to establish [an] open governance model for Cloud Foundry’ by creating a Cloud Foundry Foundation. EMC, HP, IBM, Rackspace, SAP and VMware have expressed a desire to join the foundation as platinum sponsors. ActiveState and CenturyLink will join as gold level sponsors.
What's coming in the April 'Icehouse' release of OpenStack
Icehouse, the next release of the OpenStack open source cloud, will be coming in April 2014. Icehouse will bring automated installation (TripleO), bare metal provisioning (Ironic), a queuing and notification service (Marconi) and database as a service (Trove) as integrated services. Better support for Hadoop (Savanna) will be put into incubation.
Red Hat Adds Commercial Public Cloud Offering to OpenShift PaaS
Red Hat OpenShift, the open source Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), introduced a new cloud-hosted commercial edition called OpenShift Online. This gives Red Hat both a private and public edition of OpenShift and fits into Red Hat’s broader strategy of delivering a top-down application stack for the modern enterprise data center.
Rackspace Has Entrusted OpenStack to a Foundation
Rackspace has transferred all the OpenStack code, trademarks and related intellectual properties to the OpenStack Foundation, leaving the cloud computing platform into the hands of the community.
OpenStack Discusses Cactus, Previews Diablo
The OpenStack project gathered late last week, and amidst the Amazon EBS debacle, held a Webinar to both elaborate on new features introduced in Cactus and describe anticipated elements of the upcoming Diablo release.
OpenCompute and OpenStack Span Hardware and Software Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Solutions
A number of announcements around open hardware specifications and open source cloud infrastructure and platform software solutions by collaborators in the OpenStack initiative were made in the past 2 weeks. How does all of them stack up together?
OpenStack Austin and AWS Free Tier [Updated]
OpenStack has announced Austin, the first open source cloud computing platform release based on Rackspace’s Cloud Servers plus Cloud Files and NASA’s Nebula technologies. In what seems to be a response, Amazon has made available a free AWS Usage Tier for new customers for one year.