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  • NuPack, OpenWrap, and CoApp – A Roundup on Package Managers for .NET/Windows

    Microsoft has released NuPack CTP 1, an open source package manager for .NET. OpenWrap is another package manager for .NET with many similarities and some differences. CoApp is a package manager for Windows featuring updates and support for multiple languages like C, C++, .NET, PHP, Python, Perl.

  • OpenWrap – A Plan for MSBuild Compatible Package Manager for .NET

    Package managers are well known in the Linux world where the need to bring together dependencies from a wide variety of sources. But for .NET developers there isn’t really an equivalent. Even if one sticks to just Microsoft components, the libraries are scattered across Microsoft’s many web sites as well as independent sites such as SourceForge. OpenWrap is a new project that aims to address this.