InfoQ Homepage Performance Tuning Content on InfoQ
Performance Tuning Grails Applications
Lari Hotari discusses how to optimize Grails' performance to get full benefits from it.
Java Performance Panel
The panelists discuss Java performance topics, bringing their specific experiences to bear.
Using a Graph Database for JVM Heap Analysis
James Richardson, Nat Pryce discuss some of the challenges faced using Neo4J for interactive analysis of large data imports (80K nodes, 150k relationships) and how they overcame them.
Spring Batch Performance Tuning
Gunnar Hillert and Chris Schaefer examine various scalability options in order to improve the robustness and performance of the Spring Batch applications.
Tuning Large Scale Java Platforms
The session covers various GC tuning techniques, in particular focusing on tuning large scale JVM deployments and showing how to optimally size a platform for enhanced memory consumption.
Threads, Needles, Stacks, Heaps
Ovidiu Dimulescu provides tips for working with local and remote JVMs, startup flags, analyzing and correlating thread dumps with CPU consumption, instrumentation, multi-tenant JVMs, memory games, etc
Are Your G1GC Logs Speaking to You?
Kirk Pepperdine explains how to use the G1GC logging to improve app performance while reducing its hardware footprint.
Mobile Web Performance - Getting & Staying Fast!
Andy Davies, Aaron Peters present how networks, browsers and the way sites are built affect user experience, and take a look at some of the latest techniques for measuring and improving performance.
Priming Java for Speed at Market Open
Sponsored by Azul. Gil Tene discusses issues with dynamically optimized environments used for trading systems along with techniques for dealing with them, including JVM performance tune up tricks.
Practicing at the Cutting Edge: Learning and Unlearning about Performance
Martin Thompson discusses the major steps in the evolution of Java and how it contrasts to alternative technologies, and the challenges of pushing the limits of performance.
JS Optimization Techniques
Guillaume Lathoud suggests expanding JavaScript with mutual tail-call optimization, map/filter/reduce and math computations to obtain faster code.
New Optimizations of Google Chrome's V8
Ben Titzer presents the latest optimizations of the Chrome V8 engine: reducing pause times through asynchrony and incrementalism, and JIT compiler optimizations targeting all JavaScript programs.