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  • .NET Core and .NET Standard: What Is the Difference?

    .NET Standard is an API specification that defines what Base Class Libraries must be implemented. .NET Core is a managed framework optimized for building console, cloud, ASP.NET Core, and UWP applications. Each managed implementation (such as Xamarin, .NET Core, or the .NET Framework) must implement their BCL according the .NET Standard.

  • Portable Class Libraries for Google APIs

    Google has released a new beta of their SDK known as the Google APIs .NET library. This SDK is being offered as a Portable Class Library and covers 45 of Google’s APIs. This allows Google to offer one DLL that works across .NET, WinRT, Windows Phone, and Silverlight.

  • Licensing Restrictions Plague the new Portable Class Libraries

    Microsoft has been releasing Portable Class Library versions of some really important libraries including the BCL Portability Pack, Async, Stream Compression and ZIP Archives, and Microsoft HTTP Client Libraries. And with the newest version of Mono also supporting PCL, one would think this would be a huge win for cross-platform developers. But that’s not the case.

  • Mono Now Has Portable Class Library Support

    With their focus on Xamarin, the commercial version of Mono, it often seems like Mono is being is being neglected. But the nine year old platform is still seeing active development. Mono 3.0.12 brings with several new features including support for Portable Class Libraries and cookies in WCF.

  • Portable Compression Libraries for .NET 4.5, Windows Store and Windows Phone

    Microsoft has released a beta of a new portable library called Bcl.Compression that adds support for zip archives and compress streams (i.e. deflate and gzip) for the Portable Http Client. Unfortunately it requires a native library so Silverlight and Windows Phone 7.x developers are out of luck.

  • A Portable HTTP Client for .NET

    Until recently, one of the problems with sharing code across .NET, Silverlight, Windows Phone, and Windows Store is the inability to make HTTP requests. Each framework supports one or more HTTP clients, but they are incompatible each other at an API level. The Portable HTTP Client package adds an adapter to paper over these differences.