InfoQ Homepage Protocol Content on InfoQ
Computer Networks: Myths, Missteps, and Mysteries
Radia Perlman discusses various internet protocols like Ethernet and IP, and the difference between theory and practice when people browse the Internet.
Building a High-Performance Networking Protocol for Microservices
Robert Roeser and Arsalan Farooq talk about how techniques used in Fintech and Adtech can be used to improve performance in distributed applications.
Interaction Protocols: It's All about Good Manners
Martin Thompson explores the history of protocols and their application when building distributed systems. Protocols provide the foundation on which the quality attributes are delivered.
Consensus: Why Can't We All Just Agree?
Heidi Howard takes a journey though the history of consensus, and looks ahead to the future of distributed consensus.
Making Machines Talk in IoT Paradigm
Mehrdad Negahban and Kevin Kostiner discuss an architecture for M2M communication using cloud to switch, route and enable meaningful conversation among devices based on machine learning technology.
Membership, Dissemination and Population Protocols
Sean Cribbs discusses practical applications of academic research with a large scale distributed system, as well as membership and dissemination protocols and their application in practice.
Fault-Tolerant Sensor Nodes with Erlang/OTP and Arduino
Kenji Rikitake discusses using Erlang/OTP for IoT, covering communication protocols, design principles and overcoming hardware limitations for endpoint devices in fault-tolerant systems.
How to I/O?
Todd Montgomery discusses the challenges of I/O, as software and hardware change rapidly and conventional wisdom must evolve to keep up, revisiting old ideas with new and different perspectives.
Aeron: The Next Generation in High-performance Messaging
Aeron is a high-performance messaging system written in Java built with mechanical sympathy in mind, and can run over UDP, Infiniband or Shared Memory, using lock-free and wait-free structures.
Protocols of Interaction: Best Current Practices
Todd Montgomery describes some common problems that have arisen in protocol design, using examples such as HTTP/2, Aeron, etc., and how the solutions can be applied to microservices.
Mini-talks: OS/App Inversion, Testing & Living Databases
Mini-talks on: OS/application inversion, testing, living databases, and rogue protocols.
Mini-talks: Seven Deadly Sins, Nanoservices, Protocol-Layer Semantics
Mini-talks on: The Seven Deadly Sins of Microservices. The Importance of Wise Protocol-Layer Semantics in the Design of Microservices. HTTP Nanoservices.