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  • Getting Rid of Wastes and Impediments in Software Development Using Data Science

    This article presents how to use data science to detect wastes and impediments, and concepts and related information that help teams to figure out the root cause of impediments they struggle to get rid of. The knowledge discovered during research includes an expanded waste classification, and the use of trends to uncover undesired situations like hidden delayed backlog items and defects trends.

  • Speed, Efficiency, and Value: Using Empiricism to Achieve Business Agility

    Customers seek solutions that improve their outcomes, and organizations don’t know what will achieve this until they deliver something to them, measure the results, and adapt accordingly. Doing so repeatedly, frequently, and with the smallest investment to achieve the greatest amount of feedback, is the essence of organizational agility. This is key to success in today's complex world.

  • Applying Lean Tools and Techniques to Scrum

    This article focuses on some of the challenges that Scrum is facing and how Lean can be a complementary approach. Lean is often misunderstood as a heavyweight process when in fact it is a philosophy, one that is grounded in continuous improvement. The topic of waste, a central theme that Lean helps focus on, shows us that Scrum can be improved upon.

  • How Lean Problem Solving Increases Agile Team Productivity: a Mobile Applications Startup Example

    People in IT tend to push solutions without being sure of the effects nor evaluating the results. And they lack approaches to help doers improve day-to-day job practices. We follow a mobile dev and his CTO on their Lean IT path to improve deployments of a mobile app, and increase team productivity by 15%. This example shows how lean management posture and problem-solving help agile teams.

  • Frugal Innovation: Doing More with Less

    Frugal innovation provides ways to do more and better with less. It helps us to solve problems with limited resources in a sustainable way and to address inequality and empower billions of people at the bottom of the pyramid. Agile and frugal support each other; both aim to solve the problem at hand and nothing more, getting products into the hands of the users early and learning from that use.

  • Automation and Lean: Scaling up the Lean Value Chain

    While lean principles enable us to be effective and innovative everywhere we work, finding automation opportunities across every technology and customer focused processes can unlock bigger potential for repeatedly delivering value to customers. This article shows how Ericsson applied lean principles in IT service delivery for automating manual repetitive tasks to improve quality and efficiency.

  • Applying Lean Thinking to Software Development

    Lean’s major concept is about reducing waste, meaning anything in your production cycle that is not adding value to the customer is considered waste and should therefore be removed from the process. Steven Peeters explains how you can apply Lean principles in an IT environment.