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Robot Social Engineering: Social Engineering Using Physical Robots
Brittany Postnikoff covers some of the capabilities of physical robots, related human-robot interaction research, and the interfaces that can be used by a robot to social engineer humans.
From Robot Simulation to the Real World
Louise Poubel overviews Gazebo's architecture with examples of projects using Gazebo, describing how to bridge virtual robots to their physical counterparts.
Orchestrating Robot Swarms with Java
Matthew Cornford focuses on Ocado’s latest generation of highly automated warehouses and looks into Java’s role for orchestrating huge swarms of robots for superior efficiencies of scale.
Open Source Robotics: Hands on with Gazebo and ROS 2
Louise Poubel gives an overview of ROS (Robot Operating System) and Gazebo (a multirobot simulator), the problems they've been solving so far and what's on the roadmap for the future.
Chaos: The Last Stand against Our Robot Overlords
Nathan Äschbacher talks about Chaos Engineering and how to shift towards working with chaos instead of against it, in order to build safe, reliable, and increasingly deterministic complex systems.
Preparing Humans for the Second Machine Age
Dominic Price prepares his listeners for the world of 2020, the role that AI, automation and robots will have, and what people should do to stay human and build an environment where they thrive.
The Future of Social Robots
Nicolas Rigaud discusses the present and the future of social robots.
The Joy of Flying Robots with Clojure
Carin Meier shares from her experience doing functional programming in Clojure for flying robots.