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InfoQ Homepage Scala Content on InfoQ

  • Scala 2.12 Will Only Support Java 8

    Scala 2.12 will require a Java 8 or above JVM to run. This release, scheduled for release in early 2016, will not run on any JVM before version 8.

  • A Few Good Rules

    Peter Neumark from Prezi talks about the importance of deciding what development standards to adopt and to detect when they're past their expiry date. Using Netflix and Prezi as examples, Peter illustrates with technical examples when to stick to standards and when to move on to better solutions.

  • Virtual Panel on Reactive Programming

    Reactive programming is a very hot topic: InfoQ asked three proponents of reactive programming how their libraries and frameworks achieve reactiveness and what this means for the developer. The participants are Viktor Klang (Akka), Timothy Baldridge (Core.Async), and Jafar Husain (RxJava).

  • ActiveJPA – Active Record Pattern for JPA

    ActiveJPA is a Java implementation of Martin Fowler’s Active Record pattern that wraps around JPA and provides useful abstractions to simplify data access. With ActiveJPA, models themselves act as a DAO and interact with the database without requiring additional code for the DAL. In this article the primary committer discusses ActiveJPA and provides plenty of usage examples.

  • Creating Resilient Software with Akka

    Akka Tech Lead Dr. Roland Kuhn offers a behind the scenes look at Akka, showing what the driving forces behind the development of its guiding principles are.

  • Introduction to Interface-Driven Development Using Swagger and Scalatra

    Since it began life a little over three years ago, the Scalatra web micro-framework has evolved into a lightweight but full-featured MVC framework with a lively community behind it. Scalatra started out as a port of Ruby's Sinatra to the Scala language. Since then the two systems have evolved independently, with Scalatra gaining capabilities such as an Atmosphere integration and Akka support.

  • Java 8 vs Scala: a Feature Comparison

    This article explores some of Java 8’s new features, using both Java’s proposed syntax and Scala. We cover lambda expressions, higher-order functions, parallel collections and virtual extension methods aka traits. Besides this, we will provide insights into the new paradigms integrated in Java 8, such as functional programming.

  • Benchmarking JVM Concurrency Options for Java, Scala and Akka

    Michael Slinn examines how to benchmark JVM concurrency options for JVM-based langauges including Java and Scala.

  • Scala or Java? Exploring myths and facts

    The popularization of the Scala programming language and the comparisons with other languages has greatly increased the amount of posts in blogs and social nets, many of those containing many claims that can be outdated, superficial or biased. This article explains the common issues about the language and its environment, favoring a more accurate and balanced assessment.

  • Martin Odersky on Typesafe Stack and the Future of Scala

    In this interview with InfoQ's Editor in Chief, Michael Floyd, Martin Odersky draws the comparisons between F# and Scala, discusses the future of Scala, and addresses once and for all the question of breaking binary compatibility. He also discusses his current work on the implementation of the value class proposal, how Java might support functional programming and the new Typesafe Stack 2.0.

  • David Pollak and Dick Wall Discuss Barriers to Scala Adoption

    David Pollak, famous Scala advocate, blog posted, "Yes, Virginia, Scala is hard", causing a brouhaha. Scala use is increasing, yet the post claims that Scala tries to do too much, has poor IDE support, and more. InfoQ catches up with David Pollak and Dick Wall to comment on the complaints in the post, as well as the future of Scala. David has things to say about Groovy, Ceylon and Lambdas too.

  • Scala.Net and Scala with Martin Odersky

    Scala.Net will be a version of Scala that supports the .NET ecosystem. We talked with Martin Odersky, Chairman and Chief Architect as well as co-founder of Typesafe, about Scala.Net, the version of Scala that support .Net as well as about Scala in general.