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Juergen Hoeller Gets Personal on Spring 4, Java 8, Spring XD, and all things Spring
Juergen Hoeller has been leading the development of the Spring core framework for over 10 years. In this interview, we get a glimpse of the passion and the insight that drive Spring. Some of the topics covered include Spring 4, adoption of Java 8, moving Spring forward, Spring Boot, enterprise features, Spring XD, and much more.
Michael Hunger on Spring Data Neo4j, Graph Databases, Cypher Query Language
In this interview, Michael Hunger talks about the evolution of persistence technologies over the last decade, the emergence of NoSQL databases, and looks at where graph databases fit in. He describes the goals behind the Spring Data Neo4j project, it's latest developments, and examines Cypher, a humane and declarative query language for graphs.
Costin Leau on Spring Data, Spring Hadoop and Data Grid Patterns
In this interview recorded at JavaOne 2011 Conference, Spring Hadoop project lead Costin Leau talks about the current state and upcoming features of Spring Data and Spring Hadoop projects. He also talks about the Caching and Data Grid architecture patterns.
Juergen Hoeller on Spring 3.1 and Spring 3.2
Juergen Hoeller talks to Charles Humble about the upcoming features in Spring 3.1 and Spring 3.2. The interview also explores SpringSource's attitude to standardisation, and the impact of the Java 7 and 8 language changes, and the Jave EE 6, on the framework.