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Apache Eagle, Originally from eBay, Graduates to top-level project
Apache Eagle, an open-source solution for identifying security and performance issues on big data platforms, graduates to Apache top level project on January 10, 2017. Firstly open-sourced by eBay on October 2015, Eagle was created to instantly detect access to sensitive data or malicious activities and, to take actions in a timely fashion.
Julien Nioche on StormCrawler, Open-Source Crawler Pipelines Backed by Apache Storm
Julien Nioche, director of DigitalPebble, PMC member and committer of the Apache Nutch web crawler project, talks about StormCrawler, a collection of reusable components to build distributed web crawlers based on the streaming framework Apache Storm. InfoQ interviewed Nioche, main contributor of the project, to find out more about StormCrawler and how it compares to other similar technologies.
Apache Storm Reaches 1.0, Brings Improved Performance, Many New Features
Version 1.0 is "a major milestone in the evolution of Apache Storm", writes Apache Software Foundation VP for Apache Storm P. Taylor Goetz, and it includes many new features and improvements. In particular, Goetz claims a 3x–16x boost in performance.
Yahoo! Benchmarks Apache Flink, Spark and Storm
Yahoo! has benchmarked three of the main stream processing frameworks: Apache Flink, Spark and Storm.
Twitter Has Replaced Storm with Heron
Twitter has replaced Storm with Heron which provides up to 14 times more throughput and up to 10 times less latency on a word count topology, and helped them reduce the needed hardware to a third.
Spark, Storm and Real Time Analytics
Hadoop is definitely the platform of choice for Big Data analysis and computation. While data Volume, Variety and Velocity increases, Hadoop as a batch processing framework cannot cope with the requirement for real time analytics. Spark, Storm and the Lambda Architecture can help bridge the gap between batch and event based processing.
Twitter Storm: Open Source Real-time Hadoop
Twitter has open-sourced Storm, its distributed, fault-tolerant, real-time computation system, at GitHub under the Eclipse Public License 1.0. Storm is the real-time processing system developed by BackType, which is now under the Twitter umbrella.