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CloudWatch Introduces Best Practice Alarm Recommendations for 19 AWS Services
AWS has recently introduced "out-of-the-box" best practice alarm recommendations for Amazon CloudWatch. This new option is designed to improve observability on the AWS platform, allowing users to easily add alarms from the console and download templates for CloudFormation, Terraform, and the CLI.
Terraform 1.6 Makes Testing Framework Generally Available
HashiCorp has released Terraform 1.6 with several new improvements including a new testing framework. Additional improvements include changes to config-driven import, Terraform Cloud CLI workflows, and the Amazon S3 backend. This version marks the first release of Terraform to be under the Business Source License v1.1 (BSL 1.1).
Google Cloud Adds Service for Managing Terraform Deployments
Google Cloud announced last week the addition of Terraform as a managed service. The service, known as Infrastructure Manager, manages the deployment of Terraform configurations into Google Cloud. Infrastructure Manager provides an interface for querying the state of the deployment and resources as defined within the configuration.
Terraform Cloud Supports Ephemeral Workspaces in Public Beta
Ephemeral workspaces allows their users to set timeouts to automatically destroy unused resources, reducing infrastructure costs and the effort required for manual resource clean-up. Ephemeral workspaces are now available in public beta on Terraform Cloud Plus.
OpenTF Foundation Released OpenTF Manifesto
On August 15, OpenTF Foundation released the OpenTF Manifesto after the announcement by Hashicorp, on August 10, to change the license from Mozilla Public License (v2.0) (MPL) to Business Source License (v1.1) (BUSL), on all future Terraform releases.
Improving Developer Efficiency with Policy Automation at DoorDash
DoorDash recently leveraged Open Policy Agent to enhance the efficiency of their developers. The infrastructure team at DoorDash observed several advantages from this, including quicker reviews of changes to infrastructure policies, more comprehensive tagging of resources, and a notable decrease in the number of incidents resulting from policy violations.
HashiCorp Adopts Business Source License for All Products
HashiCorp, the maker of popular open source infrastructure as code (IaC) tooling such as Terraform and Vault, announced last week that it is changing its source code license from MPL 2.0 to the BSL 1.1 on all future releases of HashiCorp products. HashiCorp APIs, SDKs, and almost all other libraries will remain MPL 2.0. The initial community reaction has primarily been negative.
Microsoft Introduces Azure Deployment Stacks in Public Preview
Microsoft recently announced the public preview of deployment stacks in Azure, a new resource type for managing a collection of Azure resources as a single unit for faster update and delete (cleanup). In addition, it brings more granular capabilities for preventing unwanted changes to resources.
Terraform Adds Support for Azure Linux, Introduces New CI/CD Tool
HashiCorp has released a number of new improvements to Terraform and Terraform Cloud. Within Terraform Cloud, there is a new CI/CD pipeline integration tool. Terraform has added support for Azure Linux container host for Azure Kubernetes Service. The HashiCorp Terraform AWS provider version 5.0 was released with improved support for default tags.
How Airbnb Improved its CI Pipeline for iOS Using AWS and Terraform
AirBnb has historically managed its own fleet of Macs to run its iOS continuous integration pipeline. Thanks to AWS providing support for Macs, AirBnb engineers could migrate their iOS CI infrastructure to AWS to increase flexibility, consistency, and efficiency.
CDK for Terraform Improves HCL Conversion and Terraform Cloud Interactions
HashiCorp has released a number of new improvements to the CDK for Terraform (CDKTF). These improvements include enhanced type coercion, iterators support, and function support. Other improvements target the experience of working with CDKTF within Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise. This includes improvements to plan and apply and the automated creation of Terraform workspaces.
AWS Data on EKS Provides Opinionated Data Workload Blueprints
AWS has released Data on EKS (DoEKS), an open-source project providing templates, guidance, and best practices for deploying data workloads on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). While the main focus is on running Apache Spark on Amazon EKS, blueprints also exist for other data workloads such as Ray, Apache Airflow, Argo Workflows, and Kubeflow.
Terraform 1.4 Release Adds Native Null Resource and Extends OPA Support
HashiCorp has released Terraform 1.4 with a number of improvements for working within Terraform Cloud environments. These improvements include CLI support for structured run outputs and OPA policy results. Additional improvements include a native replacement for the Null utility provider.
Ably Terraform Provider Aims to Power Realtime Architectures Using Infrastructure as Code
Developed by Ably in partnership with HashiCorp, the Ably Terraform Provider enables using Terraform, a popular open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) tool, to provision and manage Ably solutions programmatically.
Terraform Cloud Adds Dynamic Provider Credentials and OPA Support
Hashicorp has released several new features into Terraform Cloud, their managed service offering for Terraform. The new features include dynamic provider credentials, native OPA support, and the addition of projects as an organization tool.