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  • How a Sustainable Mindset in Software Engineering Can Increase Team Performance and Prevent Burnout

    A sustainable mindset in software engineering matters because software is still primarily built by humans, and we must prioritize their well-being, Marion Løken said at NDC Oslo. Integrating the team more deeply into discovery work, discussing feedback collectively, and fostering a culture of psychological safety helped to engage her team and mitigate burnout.

  • How Building a Platform as a Product Empowered Software Engineers

    Platform engineering is about accelerating and empowering developers to deliver more product value faster over time. According to Jessica Andersson, most companies don’t invest in platform engineering until they reach a certain size. At QCon London she presented how their startup adopted platform engineering, what strategy they took, and what they did to gain platform adoption from developers.

  • How Moral Values and Ethics Impact Software Delivery

    Ethics and morality ensure fairness and integrity, which according to Anton Angelov is crucial for software professionals and society. The rise of technological advances, globalization, and demographic changes pose challenges to maintaining moral values in software delivery. Angelov believes that it is crucial for the QA industry to have a strong ethical framework.

  • How to Become a High-Performing Software Team

    The four major elements that enable high-performing software teams are purpose, decentralized decision-making, high trust with psychological safety, and embracing uncertainty. Teams can improve their performance by experimenting with their ways of working.

  • Curiosity and Self-Awareness are Must-Haves for Handling Conflict

    When you're in a team, collaborating with others, it's crucial to embrace diverse opinions and dissent; you need to have good conflicts. Conflicts have bad reputations, but with curiosity you can harvest more positive outcomes and build trust and psychological safety. Self-awareness of your emotions and reactions can help prevent saying or doing something that you might regret later.

  • Motivating Employees and Making Work More Fun

    Progressive workplaces focus on purpose and value, having networks of teams supported by leaders with distributed decision-making. Employees get freedom and trust, and access to information through radical transparency that enables them to experiment and adapt the organization. In such workplaces, people can develop their talents and work on tasks they like to do, and have more fun.

  • Trust-Driven Development: Accelerate Delivery and Increase Creativity

    By building trust you can break silos, foster collaboration, increase focus, and enable people to come up with creative solutions for products and for improving their processes. The DevOps movement was created to break the silos in the organisations; trust can be built by organising pair programming across various functions and various teams.

  • Trust-Driven Development: Building Cognitive and Emotional Pillars

    Trust-driven development uses authenticity to build a safe environment for people to operate. To build trust we need to focus on two main pillars of trust – cognitive and emotional. We need to be brave, have courage, and give people access to our authentic selves.

  • The Cloud Trust Paradox According to Google Cloud

    In a series of three technical articles, Google Cloud has recently discussed how to trust cloud providers, covering the concepts of customer trust, security key management and scenarios where keeping encryption keys off the cloud may be necessary.

  • Trust and Safety in High Performing Teams: QCon London Q&A

    People want to feel included in teams, and feel safe to learn, contribute, and challenge the status quo. The first thing for each of us to do is acknowledge that we have a partnership with each of our team members. Like all relationships, care and attention are needed to strengthen the bond and work together effectively.

  • Researchers Publish Survey of Explainable AI

    A team of researchers from IBM Watson and Arizona State University have published a survey of work in Explainable AI Planning (XAIP). The survey covers the work of 67 papers and charts recent trends in the field.

  • Trust in High Performing Teams: QCon London Q&A

    High-performing teams flourish in a culture of trust and safety. It’s important that trust come both from within and outside of the team, in order to avoid isolating teams from their stakeholders. Stephen Janaway shared his experience with trust in high performing teams at Qcon London 2020.

  • Can We Build Trustable Hardware? Andrew Huang at 36C3

    Andrew “bunnie” Huang recently presented at 36C3 on ‘Open Source is Insufficient to Solve Trust Problems in Hardware’ with an accompanying blog post ‘Can We Build Trustable Hardware?’ His central point is that Time-of-Check to Time-of-Use is very different for hardware versus software, and so open source is less helpful in mitigating the array of potential attacks in the threat model.

  • From Waterfall to Agile at NAV Test Centre of Excellence

    Changing how we work from waterfall to agile is all about envisioning the goals, focusing on success factors and then surviving the transit, said Torstein Skarra at TestCon Europe 2019. The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) has moved from project-based waterfall and six releases per year to agile cross-function autonomous teams with several releases per day, per team.

  • Achieving Predictability in a Complex World

    Predictability is the precursor and enabler for other important things people are looking for, like doing things faster and cheaper, argued Jose Casal at Agile Portugal 2019. He presented how to achieve predictability in three steps: focus on work in progress, reduce time to get work done, and consider how to get more done.