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  • Stefan Tilkov at microXchg Berlin: Microservice Patterns and Antipatterns

    In his presentation at microXchg 2018 in Berlin, Stefan Tilkov explored patterns and antipatterns in microservice projects from his perspective, including Evolutionary Architecture, Decoupling Illusion, Distributed Monolith and Entity Service. He especially noted that some of the patterns he considers to be patterns, other people may see as antipatterns, and the other way around.

  • Deliver Shippable Products with Good Engineering Practices

    Good engineering practices are the tools that help agile teams to deliver shippable products. Although many engineering practices have proved to be effective, they are not as widely used as they should be. Agile anti-patterns like the software testing ice-cream cone, accumulating technical debt and functional silos prevent teams from delivering a potentially releasable product.

  • Anti-Patterns Working with Microservices

    The main problem with monolithic applications is that they are hard to scale, in terms of the application, but more importantly, in terms of the team. The main reason for a switch to microservices should be about teams, Tammer Saleh claimed at the recent QCon London conference when describing common microservices anti-patterns and solutions he has encountered.

  • Programming Patterns in Go

    Peter Bourgon has recently presented Successful Go Program Design, 6 Years On at QCon London 2016, discussing patterns to use or anti-patterns to avoid when programming in Go.

  • Ilan Goldstein on a Scrum Myth Buster Series

    This post covers scrum myths described by Ilan Goldstein, Certified Scrum Trainer.

  • Architecture, Technology and the Lava Layer Anti-Pattern

    Successive changes to architecture and technology throughout the lifetime of an application can lead to a fragile and fragmented codebase that is hard to understand and maintain, an anti-pattern named Lava Flow or Lava Layer that Mike Hadlow often finds in enterprise software, especially in large, mission critical and long-lived software.

  • Looking Back at Looking Ahead, Gloom for Agile in 2012?

    Many predictions for agile in 2012 were gloomy, with themes including adoptions by organizations that don’t know how, resulting in a lack of addressing management impact across teams and engineering practices in teams. With nearly four months of hindsight, readers can make their own judgments while remaining diligent so that 2012 won’t end gloomy.

  • Individual Yield

    Tony Wong, a project management blackbelt, enumerates some practical points on individual procutivity. This article wonders how well these apply to software development and contrasts his list with that of other lists.

  • Common Mistakes in Agile Adoptions

    A number of commentators have written about common mistakes and antipatterns of Agile adoption. Factors range from over-reliance on tools to fixation with a particular process are commonly identified as inhibiting effective Agile adoption. The lists provide food for thought and advice on things to be wary of when implementing Agile.

  • ODBMS.ORG Adds Persistence Patterns Resources

    ODBMS.ORG has added persistence patterns to its collection of resources for educators, students, professionals, and open source practitioners. Three pattern collections comprise the initial offering in this area. A Best Persistence Pattern Award, is planned for any pattern submitted prior to May 29, 2009.

  • 3 Pillars Of Executive Support For Agile Adoption

    An executives job is not over once they've justified agile to their teams and paid for training. To make a transition successful, its required this executive provide sustained support. Esther Derby takes a moment to describe what she believes to be the 3 most important aspects of this ongoing support.

  • How to Ensure Early Death of a Distributed Agile Project?

    Challenges of Agile adoption and execution get amplified when working in a distributed mode. Distributed Agile brings its own share of challenges in terms of geographical separation, varied timezone, cultural differences etc. Killing a distributed Agile project is not very difficult.

  • Careful With Your Coverage Metrics

    Christian Gruber takes some time to clarify the TDD stance on using code coverage metrics. He discusses what code coverage metrics do and don't tell you, how TDD fits into the picture, and how one might be best advised to use their code coverage metrics.

  • MS Experience Yields Distributed Agile "Dos and Don'ts"

    Ade Miller has published a paper on distributed agile development, highlighting the challenges of trying to do distributed agile development, along with recommendations for addressing these challenges based primarily on the experiences of teams within the Patterns and Practices group at Microsoft.

  • What Makes Good REST?

    Roy Fielding casts an eye at the SocialSite REST API and finds it is less than a perfect REST citizen.