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CloudFormation or Terraform: Which Iac Platform is the Best Fit for You?
CloudFormation and Terraform are two of the most popular IaC frameworks available. In this article learn which framework will work best for your use cases.
Five Lessons Security Can Learn from DevOps
Just as DevOps emerged to meet new business needs, new approaches in security are now needed to address the challenges of a DevOps-driven world. These new security approaches themselves must incorporate DevOps practices that rely on modularity, automation, standardization, auditability, and mirrored systems.
Securing the Modern Software Delivery Lifecycle
Information security practice has evolved to be pretty good at granting and managing access to confidential information - by people. But automation is taking over, requiring a shift in how we think about securing our infrastructure and applications.
Immutable Layers, Not (Just) Infrastructure
How splitting applications and infrastructure into separate immutable layers speeds up deployment times and increases resource density, while keeping the benefits of immutable infrastructure.
The Five Qualities of Application Delivery Done Right
This article explains the goals of proper application delivery using immutable infrastructure: automated, flexible, scalable, secure and transparent; and how to take gradual steps toward those goals.