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Reaching Production Faster with Containers in Testing
David Xia explains how Helios testing framework drives integration tests and spins up self-contained environments during test runs, increasing Spotify’s code quality and successful deployments.
The Mechanics of Testing Large Data Pipelines
Mathieu Bastian explores the mechanics of unit, integration, data and performance testing for large, complex data workflows, along with the tools for Hadoop, Pig and Spark.
Pacts to the Rescue
Beth Skurrie introduces Pact, a consumer driven contracts testing library useful for creating and executing integration tests on microservices.
Integration Test from the Trench
Nicolas Frankel discusses the pros and cons of unit testing and integration testing, and looks at the unique challenges posed by integration testing, presenting tools and techniques to deal with them.
The Quest for the Holy Integration Test
Ken Krueger and Rob Winch provide an overview of testing Spring Web applications.
Testing Grails
Grails comes with extensive testing support, ranging from unit to integration to functional tests. Ken Kousen demonstrates the range of options available both natively and through testing plugins.
Testing Java, Groovy, Spring and Web Applications with Spock
Peter Niederwieser shows how Spock can be used for integration testing of Spring applications, and how combining it with Geb yields a powerful solution for acceptance testing of web applications.
Automated Test Hell, or There and Back Again
Wojciech Seliga shares from experience how complex it can be to deal with thousands of tests -unit, functional, integration, performance- for Atlassian JIRA and what they did to bring it under control
Creating a Walking Skeleton
Paul Grenyer discusses why and how to create a Walking Skeleton - an implementation of the thinnest possible slice of real functionality that we can automatically build, deploy and test end-to-end.
Integration Tests Are a Scam
Integration tests are a scam, they burden you with long-running, fragile, hard-to-understand test suites. Learn the two-pronged attack that solves the problem: collaboration tests and contract tests.